
Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


course-project-group-23 created by GitHub Classroom

Group Members

  • Eshia Rustagi (eshiafr2)
  • Mohit Munjal (mmunjal2)
  • Muaath Alaraj (malara2)
  • Nilesh Dadi (vdadi2)
  • Piyush Atre (pkatre2)
  • Ryan Fraser (rfraser3)

EDIT: Final Report is at the bottom !

Github Repository

Group 23 Github Repository

Wiki Link

Group 23 Wiki Page

Video Presentation


List of Selected Projects

Project 1
  • Project: https://github.com/cardillo/joinery
  • Compilable and Executable: Yes
  • Existing Test Suite: Yes, More than 50 JUnit Tests
  • Popularity: 582 stars
  • Actively Maintained: Yes, Last Commit was 6 days ago
  • Open GitHub Issues:28
  • Contributing guidelines: N/A
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Project 6
Project 7
  • Project: https://github.com/keepcosmos/beanmother
  • Compilable and Executable: No
  • Existing Test Suite: Yes, More than 50 JUnit Tests
  • Popularity: 107 stars
  • Actively Maintained: No, Last Commit was more than 12 months ago
  • Open GitHub Issues: 6
  • Contributing guidelines: N/A
Project 8
  • Project: https://github.com/six2six/fixture-factory
  • Compilable and Executable: No
  • Existing Test Suite: Yes, More than 50 JUnit Tests
  • Popularity: 400 stars
  • Actively Maintained: No, Last Commit was more than 2 years ago
  • Open GitHub Issues: 20
  • Contributing guidelines: N/A


Issue links Type of issues (Bug or Feature) Estimated time to fix issue Number people fixing Estimated difficulty
cardillo/joinery#51 feature 5 weeks 2 5
cardillo/joinery#75 feature 5 weeks 2 4
cardillo/joinery#83 feature 6 weeks 2 5
cardillo/joinery#63 feature 5 weeks 2 5
cardillo/joinery#38 feature 4 weeks 2 4
alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-java#297 Bug 3 weeks 2 2
alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-java#225 feature 6 weeks 2 4
alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-java#203 feature 5 weeks 2 3
rampatra/jbot#28 feature 4 weeks 2 4
rampatra/jbot#13 feature 5 weeks 2 4
rampatra/jbot#172 feature 4 weeks 2 4
rampatra/jbot#171 Bug 3 weeks 2 3
rampatra/jbot#166 feature 5 weeks 2 4
rampatra/jbot#131 Bug 3 weeks 2 4
rampatra/jbot#114 Bug 1 day 1 1

Progress Report Milestone

List all the issues that your group should fix for each project and highlight the issues you have implemented/fixed so far. Explain the reason for choosing these issues. (Total: 10 point)

Project Issue Number Links Reason for Issue (Importance / Dependency) Our Status People assigned Forked repository
Joinery 38 This issue is important since it will allow the developer to control the execution of the program without running the program from starting the program again. This will improve the resiliency of the systems. In Progress Piyush, Mohit
Joinery 51 This issue is useful since it will improve the interability of the data. Data without identifiers would cause a major cause of functionality. This is especially useful for big data since searching wouldn't be possible without tagging. No Dependency as its a feature COMPLETED Ryan, Piyush Forked Repo
Joinery 63 Make the date time format in an standardized manner will allow interoperability of Joinery with other applications. It will reduce time spent in standardizing Date & Time formatting for developers. In Progress Ryan, Piyush
Joinery 75 Index in general plays an important role in search and read operations and makes it efficient . Sorted Indexes are better and more efficient for such operations specially when you are dealing with Big Data. No Dependency as its a feature COMPLETED Piyush, Mohit Forked Repo
Joinery 83 This issue is important since it allows data manipulation through integration of multiple dataframes. This extensibility improves the capabilities of the joinery project and allows it to perform more advanced operations such as analytics. COMPLETED Piyush, Mohit Forked Repo
Joinery 93 Writing to csv should be supported for multiple separators . Today Joinery only supports comma as a separator. Comma can be present in data as well which can cause the data quality issues for down stream apps . In Progress Eshia, Ryan
Alexa 297 Dependency version issue To be started TBA
Alexa 225 This is important because currently there is no way for SDK to indicate if object can or cannot be null, which results in a lot of excess defensive code written by user to check nullability of objects. To be started TBA
Alexa 203 Alexa has an issue where it errors out when special characters associated with emojis when using ssml the alexa interface errors out and quits. It would be useful to have some sort of sanitizing function that would avoid erroring out. This feature can be useful for alexa skills that read tweets or online posts/comments. No longer in development Muaath, Eshia
Jbot 28 This issue is useful since it allows users to directly share files using bots to slack. This reduces work for users in highly critical and repeatable scenarios such as sharing standard healthcare protocols. COMPLETED Nilesh, Muaath Forked Repo
Jbot 13 To be started TBA
Jbot 172 Supporting this feature in JBOT will allow users to read excel data by transmiting in XLS. This will allow the user to directly work on data, save time and improve the productivity of users. This feature will provide ease of use for users to interact with bot. By using excel as default way of sending data (since it is the most commonly used data application), the bot is able to broaden its user base. COMPLETED Nilesh Forked repo
Jbot 171 Jbot is not able to close a coversation correctly through slack. The aim is to replicate the issue and attempt finding out where the bug may exist. In Progress Muaath, Eshia
Jbot 166 To be started TBA
Jbot 131 To be started TBA
Jbot 197 There is an issue with the scheduler it will confirm that a meeting is set even if the time is not valid. A validator for the bot should be created to avoid this problem. COMPLETED Muaath Forked Repo
Jbot 114 With Jbots current list of dependencies it cannot be built and tests fail. Changing the springboot dependency to 1.5.3.RELEASE resolved the issue. The dependency must be updated for future work on this open source project. COMPLETED Muaath Forked Repo

Issues - JUnit and Javadoc

Write at least one JUnit test scenario for each issue. (2 points per test) Write meaningful Javadoc comments for each public method. (2 points for each Javadoc) Write at least one JUnit test for each modified/newly added public method for your implementation for GitHub issues. (2 points per test)

Issue: Joinery 51 | COMPLETED | Forked Repo Link

  • JUnit Test Scenario:
    1. Read input csv in a dataframe
    2. Add row labels to the dataframe
    3. Generate output csv from Dataframe
    4. csv should contain row labels along with data.

Issue: Joinery 75 | COMPLETED | Forked Repo Link

  • JUnit Test Scenario:

    1. Sorting without Index (on Columns) - a) create data frame with multiple columns
      b) sort with any column c) data should be sorted on given column.
    2. Sorting with Index - a) create data frame with multiple columns
      b) perform sorting on index of DataFrame c) dataframe should be sorted on index.
  • JAVADOC COMMENTS AND JUNIT TESTS: Forked repo and in this .txt file here

Issue: Joinery 83 | COMPLETED | Forked Repo Link

  • JUnit test scenario:
    1. Concate operation on 2 Dataframes - a) create data frame A with multiple Columns b) create data frame B with multiple columns c) concate will be cross product of data frame A and B.
    2. Concate operation with OUTER Join - a) create data frame A with multiple Columns b) create data frame B with multiple columns c) concate will be cross product of data frame A and B.
    3. Concate operation with INNER Join - a) create data frame A with multiple Columns b) create data frame B with multiple columns c) concate will be inner join product of data frame A and B on joined columns.
  • JAVADOC COMMENTS AND JUNIT TESTS: Forked repo and in this .txt file here

Issue: Joinery 63

  • JUnit test scenario:
    1. Enable the option to disable date time format through Shell.
    2. create data frame with multiple time formats.
    3. Export data into a csv.
    4. csv should have all time formats.
  • JUnit test scenario:
    1. Run the Shell
    2. Load the csv file into DataFrame , enter control+C
    3. Operation Should not exit the shell
    4. Should only interrupt the current operation.

Issue: Jbot 28 | COMPLETED | Forked Repo

  • JUnit Test scenario:
    1. User shares the location of the file
    2. Bot transmits the file to the user
    3. User can read the file using slack or download it locally for consumption

Issue: Jbot 172 | COMPLETED | Forked Repo

  • JUnit test scenario:
    1. Share the file location
    2. Bot transmits the excel to the user
    3. User asks bot to read a particular cell from excel
    4. Bot reads the cell and information is validated by the user

Issue: Joinery 93 | IN PROGRESS

  • JUnit test scenario:
    1. create Dataframe with mutiple columns.
    2. write to csv as tab / pipe etc as delimiter
    3. open csv and validate the same .

Issue: Jbot 197 | COMPLETED | Repo Link

  • JUnit test scenario:

    1. Validate that the time recieved from the user is in the correct 24 hour time format
    2. Write JUnit Tests and confirm that the validator is working with chars and invalid times
  • JAVADOC COMMENTS AND JUNIT TESTS: Forked repo and in this .txt file here

FindBugs and PMD:

In addition to tests that you will write, you should also use static analysis tools to validate your code. To that end, get yourself familiarized with FindBugs and PMD. Then run these tools for all the developed code.

We have attached our reports in our repository as .txt files:

Group Meeting Schedule:

Include a schedule for each week after November 19 to plan for your remaining issues. (5 points)

Week Meeting time Plan Goal
Week 7 (Nov 21) Saturday 11am CST Finish up issues for Joinery, Jbot, Glide. Have 8-15 issues worked on
Week 8 (Nov 28) Wednesday 9pm CST and Saturday 9am CST Start planning for presentation. Write up documentation for next milestone. Work on issues for bumptech glide and finish up issues for previous projects Have 10-16 issues fixed
Week 9 (Dec 5) Wednesday 9pm CST Wrap up issues. Work on final presentation. Finish up all issues and work on submitting final presentation.

Final Report Submission

Please scroll right to see the rest of the columns of the table, thank you!

Project Issue link PR/Commit Issue status NetIDs Actual time spent Lines changed
Joinery cardillo/joinery#51 https://github.com/rfraser3/joinery Completed rfraser3, pkatre2 3 weeks +24, 0
Joinery cardillo/joinery#75 https://github.com/pkatre2/joinery Completed mmunjal2, pkatre2 3 weeks +9, 0
Joinery cardillo/joinery#83 https://github.com/mmunjal/joinery Completed pkatre2, mmunjal2 3 weeks +19, -2
Joinery cardillo/joinery#63 IP pkatre2, rfraser3 3 weeks 0, 0
Joinery cardillo/joinery#38 IP pkatre2, mmunjal2 2 weeks 0, 0
JBot rampatra/jbot#28 https://github.com/nilesh981/jbot/commit/fafe5033687d64bbc7b9581c3cf459d7ca533be2 Completed vdadi2 2 weeks +229, -5
JBot rampatra/jbot#172 https://github.com/nilesh981/jbot/commit/319558431aad8e46cda249f47fa0889106d8417d Completed vdadi2 2 weeks +94, -8
JBot rampatra/jbot#171 https://github.com/eshiafr2/jbot/commit/daafcf2b1b84fe517ad1aef78dd51e325974dbb0 Completed malara2, eshiafr2 4 weeks +4, -1
Joinery cardillo/joinery#93 https://github.com/eshiafr2/joinery/commit/4149cd650cf1b812db96deadbd510bac49c025d2 Completed eshiafr2, rfraser3 3 weeks +56, -2
JBot rampatra/jbot#197 https://github.com/Mistermo716/jbot/tree/add-time-validation Completed malara2 2 weeks +170, -17
JBot rampatra/jbot#114 https://github.com/Mistermo716/jbot/tree/fix-springboot-dependencies Completed malara2 1 week +3, -3