
Donation Page integrating Stripe Checkout, Apple Pay on the Web, Paypal Express Checkout

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Donation Page

This is a Java Spring Boot app that provides a donation page. Integrates with Stripe and PayPal for payment processing.

Specifics on payment services integration:

TODO Allow PayPal alone without Stripe (currently Stripe Checkout is required, but PayPal is optional)

On successful donation payment, this will redirect to a thank you page with a link to the main web site (which can be configured). Transaction history is stored in a sqlite database.

Optional integrations:

See a live version of it here:


  • Build fat JAR using mvn package command and copy JAR to where it will be used
  • In "config" folder relative to the JAR, create "application.properties" file with these properties:
    • stripe.secretKey - Stripe's secret key
    • stripe.publishableKey - Stripe's publishable key
  • To enable PayPal, use these properties:
    • paypal.enabled - Set to true to enable PayPal (defaults to false).
    • paypal.clientId - PayPal API client ID.
    • paypal.secret - PayPal API secret.
    • paypal.returnUrl - PayPal API return URL.
    • paypal.cancelUrl - PayPal API cancel URL.
    • paypal.sandbox - Set to true to use PayPal in sandbox mode (for testing). Default is false.
    • paypal.sandboxClientId - PayPal API Sandbox client ID.
    • paypal.sandboxSecret - PayPal API Sandbox secret.
  • These properties are optional but recommended:
    • server.contextPath - path application will be at, e.g. /contribute
    • server.port - port embedded Tomcat instance will run on
    • app.url - Canonical URL for donation page. Used in og:url meta tag.
    • app.previewImageUrl - URL to image used for previews (used in og:image meta tag).
    • org.displayName - Name that is displayed in Stripe Checkout and Apple Pay. You may want to keep this brief as there is not a lot of room in these dialogs. Defaults to blank.
    • org.siteTitle - Title of web site. This can be a longer, more complete name. Defaults to value specified by org.displayName if not provided
  • These properties are optional:
    • stripe.applyPayEnabled - true to enable Apple Pay, false to disable. Defaults to true.
    • url.mainPage - URL for main page of web site (text with org.siteTitle links to this). Default is /
    • email.signup.url - Page where email signup resides. Default is /
    • app.collectOccupationEnabled - If true, collect contributor's occupation. Default is true.
    • app.collectOccupationThreshold - If contribution amount (in dollars) exceeds this value, occupation is required (if app.collectOccupationEnabled = true).
    • app.donationLimit - Limit donations to a specified dollar amount (disabled by default by being set to -1)
    • app.duesYear - Dues Year
    • app.googleAnalyticsTrackingId - Google Analytics Tracking Id (populating this enables Google Analytics).
    • app.googleSheetId - Google Sheet Id to write log to (populating this enables it). WORK IN PROGRESS
    • app.clientLoggingEnabled - Log client messages to server. Default is true.
    • mailchimp.apiKey - MailChimp API key. If this, and mailchimp.listId is set, e-mails will be stored to a MailChimp list.
    • mailchimp.listId - MailChimp List ID. If this, and mailchimp.apiKey is set, e-mails will be stored to a MailChimp list.
    • mailchimp.donationsOnly - If true, only store to MailChimp for donations. Default is true.
    • mailchimp.allFields - If true, store all available fields in MailChimp (ones that are not default to a MailChimp List). Default is false. The MailChimp list must have the required tags for the additional fields, otherwise writing to the list will fail.
    • app.emailNotificationRecipients - Comma separated list of email address to send notifications to.
  • To use Mailgun for email notifications set app.emailNotificationRecipients and all of the following settings:
    • mailgun.domain - Email domain configured in Mailgun.
    • mailgun.apiKey - Mailgun API key.
    • mailgun.fromName - Mailgun e-mail sender name.
    • mailgun.fromEmail - Mailgun e-mail sender address.
    • pushbullet.apiTokens - Comma-separated list of PushBullet API tokens.
  • Using Java 8 or later, to run the application:
    • java -jar stripe-payments.jar
  • The properties listed above could also be supplied on the command line, for example:
    • java -jar stripe-payments.jar --org.displayName=MyOrg --server.port=9600


  • You can configure Stripe test keys and there will be a very obvious notice that you are in test mode in the web page.
  • For Apple Pay to work, you must configure it in Stripe and your web server must serve the provided file at /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association. Currently that means you must, for example, put a reverse-proxy such as Nginx or Apache Web Server in front of these application, or build a WAR and deploy it to a full Tomcat instance.
  • Apple Pay for Web only works in Safari. Your visitors will need to know that it doesn't work in embedded browsers such as those built into Facebook and Twitter clients
  • PayPal support requires a Business account and REST API credentials.
  • The /fragment page serves a version of the site without any JS and CSS files loaded. This is for use, for example, for loading the HTML another application (e.g. Wordpress) without using an iframe. You will need to load all the JS and CSS files in your parent application's page, including app.js file, and resolve any style conflicts your parent application may have with Bootstrap CSS.
  • Currently only handling United States currency (dollars).

MailChimp Tags

  • The MailChimp list should retain these default tags (and their tags) in any case:

    • FNAME - text
    • LNAME - text
  • These are the additional tags used if emailchimp.allFields=true with their types:

    • DATEPAID - date
    • AMOUNTSTR - text
    • AMOUNTCENT - number
    • FULLNAME - text
    • ADDRESS1 - text
    • ADDRESS2 - text
    • CITY - text
    • STATE - text
    • ZIP - zip code (US only)
    • COUNTRY - text
    • OCCUPATION - text
    • PURPOSE - text


Testing of multiple devices and browsers for this project is being done with:


Donatation Page is licensed under MIT see LICENSE file