
Social bookmarking powered search engine web site (currently inactive)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This is an old project (worked on it 2004-2007) of mine that is currently inactive. It's main purpose is a social bookmarking web site with search engine capabilities. The idea is that you can search the content of the pages of you have bookmarked, as well as those of your friends or all the users of the web site. There was also privacy settings for each bookmark in case you wanted to bookmark something only you could see or only your friends could see. If you ever saw Yahoo's MyWeb2.0 (does it still exist?), they ended up implementing exactly what I was going for.

The social bookmarking and search features do actually work, though there are still some bugs. I'd like to revisit this project at some point, probably in the form of a re-write. In a rewrite, I would not write my own search engine functionality and would look at something like Nutch for that part.

This project also ended up being a place for experimentation on other unrelated ideas, but they are mostly incomplete:

  • File release system
  • Timesheet
  • Todo list (which became a separate project)

This is written in Java and used Spring and Hibernate.