Raspberry Pi Dashcam

Table of contents

General info

A Daschcam built using Raspberry-pi zero W.


Project is created with:




  1. Install latest Raspberry Pi OS.
  2. Add ssh and wpa_supplicant file. This will allow us to access Pi headless.
  3. Login to Pi using Putty. Default login credentioals - login:pi password:raspberry.
  4. Confirm if Git is installed
    git --version
    Git comes pre installed in Raspberry Pi OS. If git is not installed, install git before moving on to next step.
  5. Download dashcam repository from Github.
    cd /home/pi/
    git clone https://github.com/nileshkinge/dashcam
    cd /dashcam/code/
  6. Run setup.sh file.
    sudo chmod +x setup.sh
    sudo bash setup.sh
    This will install the neccessary packages, web app, also create a access point named dashcam adn password dashcam.
  7. Restart
    sudo reboot


  • add instruction for interactions/inputs on setup.sh run.