
Demonstration to use redis as a message broker in Django + Celery + Redis setup. Published an article about it here (https://levelup.gitconnected.com/redis-as-a-message-broker-deep-dive-b72c3e3aecba)

Primary LanguagePython

This is a simple demonstration of backend architecture with Django as the application server and Redis as a message broker for Celery.

You could read more about it here https://levelup.gitconnected.com/redis-as-a-message-broker-deep-dive-b72c3e3aecba. I have explained in details of how and why you could use redis as a message broker.

In order to run this, you would need to have docker installed.

Setup and Run

After cloning this article go to root folder of the project and execute.

docker-compose up --build

Once containers are running, you could log into django shell to play around with tasks and redis.