Code challenge fodder involving txt and csv file operations
Phase 1 - analyze text file to determine common words
- using STDIN/STDOUT for file operations
- coding to unit tests
- using a hash to create a histogram
- phase1-setup: documentation and tests for phase 1
- phase1-solution: sample solution code
command line interface:
ruby analyze.rb < textfile.txt > histogram.txt
In the above example, I use the angle brackets it indicate redirection of STDIN and STDOUT. STDIN is given the file textfile.txt and STDOUT is redirected to the file histogram.txt.
Phase 2 - prepare parsing method
- coding to unit tests
- regular expressions
- phase2-setup: documentation and tests for phase 2
- phase2-solution: sample solution code
ruby method:
csv_from_text (raw_string, prefixes_array, suffixes_array) # -> name_csv_string
Phase 3 - parse text file to CSV file: names
- using command line interface based on thor
- routing to method invocation based on commands and options
- CSV standard library
command line interface:
txt2csv {-h | --help}
txt2csv help analyze
txt2csv help parse
txt2csv analyze {--name_prefix | -p} -i textfile.txt [-o histogram.txt]
txt2csv analyze {--name_suffix | -s} -i textfile.txt [-o histogram.txt]
txt2csv parse --name-only {--prefixes | -p} prefixfile.txt {--suffixes | -s} suffixfile.txt -i textfile.txt [-o namefile.csv]
Notes on command line interface specifications:
Built-in usage help and man pages commonly employ a small syntax to describe the valid command form:
- angle brackets for required parameters: ping <hostname>
- square brackets for optional parameters: mkdir [-p] <dirname>
- ellipses for repeated items: cp <source1> [source2...] <dest>
- vertical bars for choice of items: netstat {-t|-u}
This phase incorporats the thor gem. While this is many things including a rake replacement and generator framework, we just use it to easily map a command line onto our methods. See the intro.
- phase3-setup: documentation and tests for phase 3
- phase3-solution: sample solution code
Phase 4 - parse text file to CSV file: email, twitter, phone number
- more regular expressions for validation & cleanup
- routing to method invocation based on command line options
- CSV standard library
- phase4-setup: documentation and tests for phase 4
- phase4-solution: sample solution code
ruby method:
csv_from_text (raw_string, prefixes_array, suffixes_array) # -> name_email_twitter_phone_csv_string
command line interface:
txt2csv {-h | --help}
txt2csv help analyze
txt2csv help parse
txt2csv analyze --prefix -i textfile.txt [-o histogram.txt]
txt2csv analyze --suffix -i textfile.txt [-o histogram.txt]
txt2csv parse {--name-only | -n} -i textfile.txt [-o namefile.csv]
txt2csv parse {--phone-only | -p} -i textfile.txt [-o phonefile.csv]
txt2csv parse {--email-only | -e} -i textfile.txt [-o emailfile.csv]
txt2csv parse {--twitter-only | -t} -i textfile.txt [-o twitterfile.csv]
txt2csv parse -i textfile.txt [-o allfile.csv]