CLI utility for displaying top Hacker News articles for a given time period. Posts are sorted based on number of points, then number of comments.
Relies on HN Search API. Please bear in mind that Algolia limits the number of API requests from a single IP to 10,000 per hour.
Just grab the archive for your OS and platform from the Releases page and extract it somewhere. Optionally, you can add hntop
to your $PATH.
is also available as a container image.
$ hntop -h
hntop - display top Hacker News posts
hntop [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Mail options:
--mail-auth value Mail server authentication mechanism, one of: [login plain crammd5 xoauth2 none]. (default: login) [$HNTOP_MAIL_AUTH]
--mail-from value Mail From address. [$HNTOP_MAIL_FROM]
--mail-password value Mail server password. [$HNTOP_MAIL_PASSWORD]
--mail-port value Mail server port. (default: 587) [$HNTOP_MAIL_PORT]
--mail-server value Mail server. [$HNTOP_MAIL_SERVER]
--mail-tls value Mail server TLS policy, one of: [mandatory opportunistic notls]. (default: mandatory) [$HNTOP_MAIL_TLS]
--mail-to value Mail To address. [$HNTOP_MAIL_TO]
--mail-username value Mail server username. [$HNTOP_MAIL_USERNAME]
--output value, -o value Output format, one of: [list mail]. (default: "list") [$HNTOP_OUTPUT]
Search options:
--count value, -c value Number of results to retrieve, must be between 1 and 1000. (default: 20) [$HNTOP_COUNT]
--front-page, -f Display current front page posts. If selected, all other flags are ignored. (default: false) [$HNTOP_FRONT_PAGE]
--tags value, -t value Filter results by post tag. Available tags: [story poll show_hn ask_hn]. (default: "story,poll,show_hn,ask_hn") [$HNTOP_TAGS]
Time interval:
--from value Start of the time range to show top HN posts from in RFC3339 format. Used in conjuction with --to. [$HNTOP_FROM]
--last value, -l value Interval since current time to show top HN posts from, eg. "12h" (last 12 hours), "6m" (last 6 months). [$HNTOP_LAST]
--to value End of the time range to show top HN posts from in RFC3339 format. Used in conjuction with --from. If omitted, current time will be used. [$HNTOP_TO]
Interval to show posts from is defined as <length><unit>
since current time, eg. 12h
for posts from last 12 hours or 6m
for posts from last 6 months.
Available units: h
- hour, d
- day, w
- week, m
- month, y
- year.
# get top HN posts from last week
hntop -l 1w
# get top HN posts from last 3 days
hntop -l 3d
# get top HN posts from last 9 months
hntop -l 9m
# get top HN posts from last 50 years
hntop -l 50y
Custom timerange can be defined using the RFC3339 format, ie. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
for UTC or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss±hh:mm
for a specific timezone, where ±hh:mm
is the offset to UTC.
Examples: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z
is 2 Jan 2006 15:40:05 UTC, while 2017-10-12T20:05:09+01:00
is 12 Oct 2017 20:05:09 CET.
# get top HN posts from 1 Jan 2018 to 1 July 2018
hntop --from 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z --to 2018-07-01T00:00:00Z
# get top HN posts from 24 Feb 2023 to now
hntop --from 2023-02-24T00:00:00Z
# get top HN posts from 24 Sep 2016 at 10 AM CET to 24 Sep 2016 at 12 AM CET
hntop --from 2016-09-24T10:00:00+01:00 --to 2016-09-24T12:00:00+01:00
# get top posts currently on the HN front page
# posts will appear in different order than on front page because of the sorting algorithm
# all other flags are ignored in this case
hntop -f
# get 100 top HN posts from last week instead of default 20
hntop -c 100
# get top "Show HN" posts from last year
hntop -l 1y -t show_hn
Results can be printed out as a list (default) or sent by e-mail.
# output to console as a list (default)
hntop -o list
# send results by e-mail
hntop -o mail --mail-from --mail-to --mail-server --mail-port 587 --mail-tls mandatory --mail-auth login --mail-username bob --mail-password B0bsP@ss