
A webrtc chat app made using peerjs. hosted here

Run locally

open file:///peer-connect/index.html in browser in two tabs. Open console, connect one tab to other and see them talking.

if above doesn't work, try this http-server . -p 8000 and go to see your thing.


  • how can you provision this using a single javascript?

  • Lets move out of github pages

  • create design for auto-connect (without peer-id)

  • create api design

  • Move Typescript in.

  • How to bring in authentication

  • Try multiple peer connect


  1. check what all ports are process using -
netstat -tulpn
  1. run turnserver manually
sudo turnserver -c /etc/turnserver.conf
  1. manage turn server
sudo systemctl stop/start/restart coturn
  1. check logs
   journalctl -fue coturn 
  1. create new turn users
sudo turnadmin -a -u <username> -r <realm> -p <password>

in my case realm was

Don't forget

  1. /etc/turnserver.conf is where conf file is.
  2. /etc/default/coturn is used to have server running from start of the server.

Some Language

IPH - Iske Paise Hai


  1. webrtc connectivity usecases
  2. running your own coturn server in ec2. Mostly this and also this.
  3. Trickle


  1. webrtc open ports
  2. ami image for coturn?
  3. is webrtc using turn?
  4. dh-pem
  5. webrtc handles echo/noise cancellation?
  6. create dom from html