Aspiring web Developer Java | MySQL | SpringBoot | RestAPI I Hibernate | HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Masai SchoolNagpur, India
Pinned Repositories
In this project we have tried to make a look alike clone of Jio-Mart Website. With our efforts and the technology stack like JS, CSS and HTML, we were able to clone the front end with similar looks and features.
this repository contain a mini project clone of Intern-Theory website. This website is for Internships and job consultancy. The main objective of this website is to help the students to land into an internships.
This repository contain backend data for my JioMart website clone project .
This repository contain screen shots of my JioMart website clone project to make readme file for that repository.
Youtube Clone done by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Where you can search videos and watch video on your desktop Screen .
Its my github readme page .
My Portfolio created to showcase my web development skills as well as my other Projects, Resume, Tech Stacks, Experiences etc.
A Backend project providing Rest API'S for online shopping application. The Api can perform all the crud operation with customer validation on every step.
This repository contain Sweet mart project in which we developed REST API'S. This REST API allows a Customer to Signup, Login & Browse through the products and add them to Cart Wishlist, as well as for the Administrator to View all the Orders, Customers & Products.
A console based project that can be used as an Online Hardware and Software support system inside an organization to provide adequate support for it's employees computers.
nilmes's Repositories
In this project we have tried to make a look alike clone of Jio-Mart Website. With our efforts and the technology stack like JS, CSS and HTML, we were able to clone the front end with similar looks and features.
this repository contain a mini project clone of Intern-Theory website. This website is for Internships and job consultancy. The main objective of this website is to help the students to land into an internships.
This repository contain backend data for my JioMart website clone project .
This repository contain screen shots of my JioMart website clone project to make readme file for that repository.
Youtube Clone done by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Where you can search videos and watch video on your desktop Screen .
Its my github readme page .
My Portfolio created to showcase my web development skills as well as my other Projects, Resume, Tech Stacks, Experiences etc.
A Backend project providing Rest API'S for online shopping application. The Api can perform all the crud operation with customer validation on every step.
This repository contain Sweet mart project in which we developed REST API'S. This REST API allows a Customer to Signup, Login & Browse through the products and add them to Cart Wishlist, as well as for the Administrator to View all the Orders, Customers & Products.
A console based project that can be used as an Online Hardware and Software support system inside an organization to provide adequate support for it's employees computers.