- 3
Using nilmtk on a private dataset
#80 opened by redouane-b - 2
Install error in dockerfile
#66 opened by b-y-f - 4
Instalation fault on windows 11 con mamba o Conda
#87 opened by crn565 - 7
Installation issue: keras - tensorflow
#86 opened by olarraUPC - 3
nilmtk.exceptions.MeasurementError: AC type 'apparent' not available. Available columns = [('power', 'active')]
#67 opened by mmeism - 0
Unable to Run AFHMM and AFHMM_SAC on AMPds
#85 opened by ceci-romero - 2
nilmtk unable to install and use
#84 opened by sargamg99 - 0
- 2
Unable to install nilmtk-contrib
#82 opened by Raphael164 - 7
installation issue
#75 opened by ZhuHouYi - 0
how to load the weights - pretrained?
#81 opened by ccruzalegui - 4
WindowGRU training error
#56 opened by w52191 - 6
what happen to the nilmtk environment ?
#53 opened by oneway3124 - 0
- 0
REDD dataset KeyError: 'No object named /building1/elec/meter1 in the file'
#78 opened by ArunRanganarsimhaiah - 0
- 0
AFHMM implementation Error
#76 opened by NetsanetTsegaye - 1
WindowGRU - padding
#59 opened by rgtzths - 9
Bert not working properly
#68 opened by Rohitkr1997 - 1
Bert model training procedure
#73 opened by camilomarino - 0
The metrics question
#74 opened by ZztLn - 1
object has no attribute 'normalize' problem
#69 opened by WKKO - 3
- 1
- 5
- 0
- 0
CHanging package dependencies
#71 opened by habring - 3
The error I'm getting using the bert method
#65 opened by dengjinyu123 - 2
nilmtk-contrib installation failed
#64 opened by cemik1 - 2
DAE Normalize Input
#34 opened by Ming-er - 2
Training on multiple datasets
#62 opened by rpolea - 5
API Error - Neural Net 2 input tensors
#60 opened by rpolea - 1
- 2
- 2
In FT2Font: Can not load face
#54 opened by oneway3124 - 9
About the version of nilmtk-contrib
#52 opened by jinweiisgreat - 0
Across Homes/DataSet Neurals issue
#51 opened by Eno-Haicheng - 3
Update and fix examples
#48 opened by PMeira - 1
- 1
Train Test Split in RNN
#46 opened by JoseDosSantos - 1
changes to plot in, not reflected
#44 opened by akritikts - 4
whether or not the dataset is handled by the dataset_converter to the hdf5 files and is also supplied for the research community?
#45 opened by oneway3124 - 0
Breaking change in Keras 2.4: AttributeError: 'ModelCheckpoint' object has no attribute '_implements_train_batch_hooks'
#35 opened by levaphenyl - 4
- 3
problem of "call_preprocessing"
#39 opened by Wusir2018 - 2
AFHMM & AFHMM+SAC - Training chunkwise does not work (training on last chunk only)
#42 opened by levaphenyl - 0
AFHMM+SAC - ValueError: matmul: Input operand 0 does not have enough dimensions
#40 opened by levaphenyl - 3
RNN default sequence length
#33 opened by klemenjak - 4
AttributeError in WindowGRU
#31 opened by klemenjak - 1
Link failure
#30 opened by M-h-2019