
pronounced "speckle": a TDD/BDD framework for Clojure.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

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(pronounced "speckle" [spek-uhl])

It's a TDD/BDD framework for Clojure, based on RSpec.


With Leiningen

Leiningen version 2.0 or later

Include speclj in your :dependencies and :plugins, and also change the :test-path to "spec/"

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0"]]
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[speclj "2.5.0"]]}}
:plugins [[speclj "2.5.0"]]
:test-paths ["spec/"]

Leiningen version 1.x

You will need Leiningen version 1.4 or later.

Include speclj in your :dev-dependencies and change the :test-path to "spec/"

:dev-dependencies [[speclj "2.5.0"]]
:test-path "spec/"

Manual installation

  1. Check out the source code: https://github.com/slagyr/speclj
  2. Build the jar file:
$ lein jar


File Structure

All your speclj code should go into a a directory named spec at the root of your project. Conventionally, the spec directory will mirror the src directory structure except that all the spec files will have the '_spec.clj' postfix.

| sample_project
|-- project.clj
|-- src
    |-- sample
        |-- core.clj
        | (All your other source code)
|-- spec
    |-- sample
        |-- core_spec.clj
       	| (All your other test code)

A Sample Spec File

Checkout this example spec file. It would be located at sample_project/spec/sample/core_spec.clj. Below we'll look at it piece by piece.

(ns sample.core-spec
  (:require [speclj.core :refer :all]
            [sample.core :refer :all]))

(describe "Truth"

  (it "is true"
    (should true))

  (it "is not false"
    (should-not false)))


speclj.core namespace

Your spec files should :use the speclj.core in it's entirety. It's a clean namespace and you're likely going to use all the definitions within it. Don't forget to pull in the library that you're testing as well (sample.core in this case).

(use 'speclj.core)
(use 'sample.core)


describe is the outer most container for specs. It takes a String name and any number of spec components.

(describe "Truth" ...)


it specifies a characteristic of the subject. This is where assertions go. Be sure to provide good names as the first parameter of it calls.

(it "is true" ...)

should and should-not

Assertions. All assertions begin with should. should and should-not are just two of the many assertions available. They both take expressions that they will check for truthy-ness and falsy-ness respectively.

(should ...)
(should-not ...)


At the very end of the file is an invocation of (run-specs). This will invoke the specs and print a summary. When running a suite of specs, this call is benign.


should Variants (Assertions)

There are several ways to make assertions. They are documented on the wiki: Should Variants

Spec Components

it or characteristics are just one of several spec components allowed in a describe. Others like before, with, around, etc are helpful in keeping your specs clean and dry. Check out the listing on the wiki: Spec Components

Running Specs

With Leiningen

Speclj includes a Leiningen task to execute speclj.main.

$ lein spec

Running All Specs at Once

The command below will run all the specs found in "spec" directory.

$ java -cp <...> speclj.main


The command below will start a process that will watch the source files and run spec for any updated files.

$ java -cp <...> speclj.main -a

You can also run the watcher through Leiningen. The benefit of that is that the color of the output is preserved.

$ lein spec -a


There are several options for the runners. Use the --help options to see them all. Or visit Command Line Options.

$ java -cp <...> speclj.main --help



speclj uses Leiningen version 1.4.0.

Clone the master branch, build, and run all the tests:

$ git clone https://github.com/slagyr/speclj.git
$ cd speclj
$ lein javac
$ lein spec

To make sure you didn't break the cljs version of specljs:

$ cd cljs
$ lein translate
$ lein cljsbuild clean
$ lein cljsbuild once

Make patches and submit them along with an issue (see below).


Post issues on the speclj github project:


  • Speclj 2.* requires Clojure 1.4.0+
  • Clojure 1.3 is not supported by any version of Speclj due to a bug in Clojure 1.3.


Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Micah Martin All Rights Reserved.

Distributed under the The MIT License.