
LaTeX code for my PhD thesis

Primary LanguageTeX

This repository contains the LaTeX source code and additional resources for my PhD thesis, titled

Cultural Evolution in the Wild:

Tracking the Landscape of Learning in Bird Song

Repository Structure

  • chapters/: Contains the LaTeX files for each chapter of the thesis.
  • figures/: Contains all figures used in the thesis.
  • frontmatter/: Contains the LaTeX files for the front matter of the thesis.
  • tables/: Contains all tables used in the thesis.
  • thesis.tex: The main LaTeX file that compiles the entire thesis.
  • nilosthesis.cls: The LaTeX class file for the thesis.
  • orcidlink.sty: A LaTeX package for adding ORCID links.
  • doi.sty: A LaTeX package for handling DOIs.
  • zotero-library.bib: The BibTeX file containing all references used in the thesis.

Building the Thesis

To build the thesis, run something like the following command in your terminal:

latexmk -shell-escape -synctex=1 -f -file-line-error -xelatex -outdir=. -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error thesis.tex