
Code to analyse population differences in storm petrel purring calls

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT


Title Badge Python version

Data log


  • Greece data converted to wav estimating time from bitrate - might be imprecise.
  • Data from Espartar unusable, drop
  • Only one recording from Benidorm usable, not representative. Drop.
  • Marettimo population only one (pretty bad) recording



A phrase defined as uninterrupted trill or purr + subsequent breath note, the latter included; ends where next purr begins or there is a longer silence.

Table of contents


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/nilomr/storm-petrel-song.git.
  2. Install python package (Install in an isolated environment, avoid a dependency hell!): pip install . (install) or pip install -e . (developer install).
  3. To install the R dependencies, use the following command (requires renv and R v4.2.1): renv::restore()

Note to self: As of 2024-03-25, had to pass full path to garden. Also had to conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng

Project Structure

├── .gitignore                  # Specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git
├── .Rprofile                   # R configuration file
├── config.yml                  # Configuration file for the R scripts
├── data/                       # Main data folder (not version-tracked)
│   ├── external/               # External data
│   ├── interim/                # Intermediate data
│   ├── processed/              # Processed data
│   └── raw/                    # Raw data
├── dependencies.R              # R script to manage vscode dependencies
├── LICENSE                     # License file for the project
├── output/                     # Output directory for generated files
│   ├── figures/                # Generated figures
│   └── reports/                # Generated reports
├── pyproject.toml              # Python project configuration file
├── R/                          # R scripts directory
│   ├── rplot.R                 # R script for plotting
│   └── utils.R                 # Utility functions for R
├── README.md                   # The top-level README file
├── renv/                       # R environment management directory
├── renv.lock                   # Lock file for renv
├── resources/                  # Directory for resource files
│   ├── features.csv            # Acoustic features under analysis
│   ├── rf_feature_importance.csv       # Random forest feature importance
│   └── sbsp_rf_feature_importance.csv  # Random forest feature importance (binary task)
├── scripts/                    # Directory for Python scripts
│   ├── 0.1-segment-raw-data.py         # Script for segmenting raw data
│   ├── 0.2-segment-units.py            # Script for segmenting units
│   ├── 0.3-build-dataset.py            # Script for building dataset
│   ├── 0.4-extract-measurements.py     # Script for extracting measurements
│   ├── 0.5-train-model.py              # Script for training model
│   └── ...                             # Additional scripts
├── tempesta/                   # Source code directory for the Tempesta (python) project
└── tempesta.Rproj              # RStudio project file for Tempesta