
Simple project using cmake, vcpkg, h5cpp, and armadillo

Primary LanguagePython


Clone repository

git clone --recursive https://github.com/nilox94/cpp-cmake-example.git

Install libraries

To install for the first time the package manager (vcpkg) must be bootstrapped

cd vcpkg
PS> .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
Linux:~/$ ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh

Then the project libraries can be installed

PS> .\vcpkg install nlohmann-json Catch2 armadillo h5cpp
Linux:~/$ ./vcpkg install nlohmann-json Catch2 armadillo h5cpp

Convert MAT files to HDF5

cd src/arma/
python mat2h5.py 16BCN_1024samples_2048sync_4_9221Q_44100fs.mat

Generate HDF5 loaders

For loading new HDF5 data you can write your loader using the tool h52cpp.py

python h52cpp.py path/to/some.h5 > path/to/some/loader.cc

Generate build system

Generate (or re-generate) the project build system

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Build project

cmake --build build