
Xero integration for Django

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Xero integration for Django.


This package allows users to authenticate to Xero via a Public App that you have registered on the Xero Developer Portal.

Whenever you want to trigger authentication with Xero, just redirect to the view xero_auth_start (either directly or via resolve('xero-auth-start') and this package will do the rest. The view also accepts an optional nextparameter to control where the user will land on successful authentication; otherwise it will redirect to /.

Xero sessions last for 30 minutes, but if you want to end them earlier, POST to the view xero_logout (again with an optional next).

There is also a @xero_required decorator for views, which will automatically check if an active Xero session is present. If not, it will redirect to an interstitial page asking the user to do the authentication dance. You can control that page by creating a custom template xero/interstitial.html (make sure it has a link to xero-auth-start somewhere).

Once authorized, in your view you will get a .xerouser attribute which you can use to do stuff like:

from djxero.decorators import xero_required

def my_view(request):
    client = request.user.xerouser.client
    contacts = client.contacts.all()

That client is a preconfigured xero.Xero object from pyxero.

you must have some other registration mechanism to create a regular Django user first (e.g. regular login page with some other auth system); this package only extends that User instance to attach a temporary Xero session.

Some details will be exposed in User instances under .xerouser, but the Xero OAuth1 mechanism makes it difficult to reflect on the authenticated user. If your User model has the same email or firstname/lastname as recorded in Xero, you can try to guess its details. The heuristic is very basic and may or may not work:

# try to guess user details
details_dict = xerouser.guess_user_details()

# the Projects API also has a separate ID, so there is an attached model
from djxero.models import XeroProjectsUser
xero_prj_user = XeroProjectsUser(xerouser=xerouser)
xero_prj_user.prj_user_id = xero_prj_user.guess_projects_user_id()
# now you can retrieve the Projects-related ID from the main user object:
def myview(request):
   # note you can have multiple IDs if you have multiple Orgs, so it's a linked with a ForeignKey
   prj_user_id = request.user.xerouser.prjuser.first().prj_user_id

Supported Platforms

  • Python 3.7 (should work on 3.5/3.6 too, but is untested).
  • Django 2


django-xero should automatically download all necessary prerequisites, but I like to give credit where credit is due. We stand on the shoulders of the following giants:


  1. Install the package
    pip install django-xero
  2. Add encrypted_model_fields and djxero to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings. Note that the authentication system is required.
  3. Generate an encryption key:
    python -c 'import base64; import os; print(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)))'
    and add it to your settings. NOTE: in production, you want to store this safely.
    FIELD_ENCRYPTION_KEY = b'A7c4T1Kx3XmttUjm2cX8ScYcUEdF7RzFziEzfoBO7x4='
  4. Run migrations to create the necessary objects
    python manage.py migrate djxero
  5. Set the Xero secrets for your public app. You can do this from the admin site (easier), or directly via manage.py shell:
    from djxero.models import XeroSecret
    consumer_key = XeroSecret.objects.get(pk='xero_consumer_key')
    consumer_key.value = 'your key'
    consumer_secret = XeroSecret.objects.get(pk='xero_consumer_secret')
    consumer_secret.value = 'your secret'
  6. in your project urls.py, add the following:
    urlpatterns = [
       path('xero/', include('djxero.urls')),


For problems, file an issue on GitHub. The author is available for hire (hint hint).

Credits and License

Copyright (c) 2019 Giacomo Lacava.

Released under the terms of the Apache Software License, version 2.