
IEEE488 --> Centronics Printer Interface

Primary LanguageC

PROXA Printer Interface

This project contains all required files for a modern version of a vintage printer interface originally made by Helmut Proxa's ULTRA ELECTRONIC. In the early 80's, it was the preferred printer interface to connect a Centronics compatible printer to a Commodore CBM/PET to the IEEE-488 bus.

Back then, it was cloned by many other firms several times without permission. This time, Helmut Proxa kindly allowed me to rebuild his interface and explained me his very clever circuit in great detail. Though the [original schematics] (http://www.forum64.de/wbb4/index.php?thread/57196-drucken-mit-cbm-rechnern/&postID=844718#post844718) were available, I had no access to a dump of the original EPROM contents, so this part had to been developed again. What's more, I also developed a command line program for Linux / OS X / Windows which generates the EPROM contents driven by a configuration file. This enables the user to re-map the character conversion to suit his personal needs.

Nils Eilers, February 2016