
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


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❗This is still work in progress and only tested on Windows 10 and a Linux operating system in conjunction with Google Chrome Beta.❗

Get TOTP codes from a YubiKey. Intended to be called from the yktotp browser extension.



  • Clone the repository and ensure you have cargo (Rust) available on your path
  • In a powershell with administrator rights, run .\install.ps1.


  • Run cargo build --release. This builds the executable target/release/yktotp-jsonapi.
  • Edit the Native Messaging host manifest and update the path field to the path of the yktotp-jsonapi executable.
  • Install the manifest by copying it to the directory ~/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/ (or ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/NativeMessagingHosts/ for Google Chrome Beta).


Install the yktotp browser extension and follow the usage instructions there to retrieve an OTP from the YubiKey from within your browser.

The executable accepts input from stdin and writes output to stdout. The first four bytes of the input specify the length of the payload (the message). The message is a UTF-8 encoded JSON object and is expected to contain a field named account with a string value. yktotp-jsonapi requests an OTP for this account from the YubiKey and, if successful, returns the OTP in the code field of the response message. Otherwise, the response message will contain an error string in the error field. The response is again a UTF-8 encoded JSON prefixed with four bytes representing the length of the message.