
Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • While most of the Agritech start-ups are focused either on supply chain, focus is now expanding to farm and yield management. The area that still remains UN-explored is the “stubble left after grain segregation”. Stubble burning is an alarming issue today in North India. We need to design a solution which can streamline and automate the process of stubble collection, transportation to desired location, notifications around stubble pickup and delivery, tracking of stubble disposal in a more environment friendly way.Try solution around automated farm images, forecast the stubble production and help business to identify stubble production and purchase the same and track how stubble is being disposed off or used.
  • A complete system to manage stubble right from collection to handling and consumption of the same
  • Creating platforms to engage the farmers and consumers, and also provide a suitable admin panel to manage the same

Folder & File structure

  • 2 main folder - backend and frontend
  • The project follows microservice architeture, they are -
    • FarmerActions - Which are actions for each farmer