
SourcePawn grammar for node-tree-sitter

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SourcePawn grammar for tree-sitter


npm install tree-sitter-sourcepawn tree-sitter


const Parser = require("tree-sitter");
const SourcePawn = require("tree-sitter-sourcepawn");

const parser = new Parser();

const sourceCode = `
public Plugin myinfo =
    name = "Test",
    author = "Developer",
    description = "demonstrating parser",
    version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
    url = "http://forums.alliedmods.net"

public void OnPluginStart() {
    // your code

const tree = parser.parse(sourceCode);
// (source_file [0, 0] - [11, 1]
//   (struct_declaration [0, 0] - [7, 2]
//     type: (identifier [0, 7] - [0, 13])
//     name: (identifier [0, 14] - [0, 20])
//     value: (struct_constructor [1, 0] - [7, 1]
//       (struct_field_value [2, 4] - [2, 17]
//         name: (identifier [2, 4] - [2, 8])
//         value: (string_literal [2, 11] - [2, 17]))
//       (struct_field_value [3, 4] - [3, 24]
//         name: (identifier [3, 4] - [3, 10])
//         value: (string_literal [3, 13] - [3, 24]))
//       (struct_field_value [4, 4] - [4, 40]
//         name: (identifier [4, 4] - [4, 15])
//         value: (string_literal [4, 18] - [4, 40]))
//       (struct_field_value [5, 4] - [5, 28]
//         name: (identifier [5, 4] - [5, 11])
//         value: (identifier [5, 14] - [5, 28]))
//       (struct_field_value [6, 4] - [6, 40]
//         name: (identifier [6, 4] - [6, 7])
//         value: (string_literal [6, 10] - [6, 40]))))
//   (function_definition [9, 0] - [11, 1]
//     (visibility [9, 0] - [9, 6])
//     returnType: (type [9, 7] - [9, 11]
//       (builtin_type [9, 7] - [9, 11]))
//     name: (identifier [9, 12] - [9, 25])
//     parameters: (parameter_declarations [9, 25] - [9, 27])
//     (block [9, 28] - [11, 1]
//       (comment [10, 4] - [10, 17]))))


All available nodes are defined in the grammar.js or src/node-types.json.

Install For Neovim

Currently this parser is not ready to add officially to nvim-treesitter, so it will have to be installed manually.

First create {YOUR_NVIM_CONFIG_DIR}/ftdetect/sourcepawn.vim and put the following inside:

function! s:setf(filetype) abort
    if &filetype !=# a:filetype
        let &filetype = a:filetype

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sp,*.sourcepawn,*.inc call s:setf('sourcepawn')

Next install nvim-treesitter, then add the following to your config (init.lua):

local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs()
parser_config.sourcepawn = {
  install_info = {
    url = "https://github.com/nilshelmig/tree-sitter-sourcepawn",
    files = {"src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c"},
    branch = "main",
    generate_requires_npm = false,
    requires_generate_from_grammar = false,
  filetype = "sp",

After that, run :so and :TSInstall sourcepawn (you may need to reload neovim before these will work).

Lastly, because this is unfortunately a manual install, you'll need to copy the query files from the repo's queries directory into your neovim's runtime path: {YOUR_NVIM_CONFIG_DIR}/queries/sourcepawn/

Want to help?

You can help by writing tests which are not covered or valid Sourcepawn code, that fails parsing. Tests can be found in the test directory.

If you aren't familiar with tree-sitter tests, you can refer to the official documentation or read some of the available tests.

Notable Mentions

This project is used by the SourcePawn VSCode extension. From it, the tree-sitter-sourcepawn got a lot of contributions, especially from Sarrus1 ❤️