This is a dependency of old versions of my KoalaTrees package and is no longer being maintained.
A DataTableau
object is an immutable data structure that presents
externally much like a DataFrame
object; its columns are a mixture of
categorical and ordinal type. Internally, however, it stores this data
as an ordinary Float64
array that can then be passed to
high-performance tree-based machine learning algorithms. The number of
values taken by a categorical feature in this data structure is
intentionally limited to 53. This is because at nodes of a decision
tree or tree regressor the criterion for a binary split based on such
a feature (specifically, a subset of 1:52
) can
be encoded in a single Float64
number, just as the threshold for
ordinal features. The nodes in such a tree can therefore be of
homogeneous type.
The Float64
array encoding the data is stored in the field
raw::Array{Float64, 2}
. The other fields are names
, nrows
(which are self-explanatory) and a field encoding
stores information on which columns are categorical, and how to
transform back and forth between a categorical feature and its
equivalent Float64
integer representation.
objects can be constructed directly:
julia> using DataTableaux
julia> employees = ["Bob", "Ann", "Bob"]
julia> hours = [10.0, 12.0, 15.0]
julia> dt = DataTableau(columns = Any[employees, hours], names = [:employee, :hours])
3×2 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ employee (1,cat) │ hours (2,ord) │
│ 1 │ Bob │ 10.0 │
│ 2 │ Ann │ 12.0 │
│ 3 │ Bob │ 15.0 │
# or, with automatic naming of columns:
julia> dt = DataTableau(columns = Any[employees, hours])
│ Row │ x1 (1,cat) │ x2 (2,ord) │
│ 1 │ Bob │ 10.0 │
│ 2 │ Ann │ 12.0 │
│ 3 │ Bob │ 15.0 │
All constructors treat columns of AbstractFloat
eltype as ordinals,
and all other columns as categorical, which become Float64
in the internal representation:
julia> dt.raw
3×2 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 10.0
0.0 12.0
1.0 15.0
More usually, DataTableau
objects are constructed from existing
objects; there are several methods provided to do this:
# load a reduced Ames House Price data set as a `DataFrame`:
df = DataTableaux.load_reduced_ames()
# split into train and test sets:
ntrain = round(Int, 0.8*size(df,1))
train = 1:ntrain
test = (ntrain + 1):size(df,1)
df_test = df[test,:]
df = df[train,:]
# construct a `DataTableau` object:
dt = DataTableau(df)
dt.names == names(df) # true
# recover the scheme encoding the transformation from `df` to `dt`:
s = FrameToTableauScheme(dt)
# transform the test data according to the same scheme:
dt_test = DataTableaux.transform(s, df_test)
# recover the original test `DataFrame` object from `dt`:
df == DataTableaux.inverse_transform(s, dt) # true
# construct an unfitted transformation scheme
s = FrameToTableauScheme()
# fit to the training `DataFrame` (return value the fitted form of `s`)!(s, df)
# obtain the corresponding `DataTableaux` object:
dt2 = DataTableaux.transform(s, df)
# which amounts to the same construction given above:
dt2.raw == dt.raw # true
# alternatively, perform the preceding construction in one less step
# with `fit_transform!`:
s = FrameToTableauScheme()
dt3 = DataTableaux.fit_transform!(s, df)
dt3.raw == dt.raw # true
Note that the fit!
, transform
, inverse_transform
methods are not brought explicitly into scope with
using DataTableaux
to avoid conflict with methods of the same name
in many machine learning packages.
One can iterate over the columns of the DataTableau
and some basic
indexing for retrieving (but not setting) elements is
implemented. There is a row
Most getindex
methods of DataFrame
objects are implemented, for example:
julia> dt[10:12,:]
(Displaying DataTableau as DataFrame)
3×13 DataFrames.DataFrame. Omitted printing of 10 columns
│ Row │ OverallQual (1,ord) │ Neighborhood (2,cat) │ GarageCars (3,ord) │
│ 1 │ 5.0 │ BrkSide │ 1.0 │
│ 2 │ 5.0 │ Sawyer │ 1.0 │
│ 3 │ 9.0 │ NridgHt │ 3.0 │
All the following also make sense:
`length(dt), size(dt), convert(DataFrame, dt), head(dt), countmap(dt[1])`
Query with ?IntegerSet
to see how to switch between subsets of the
first 52 integers and `Float64's.