
a package for missing data handling via multiple imputation by chained equations in Julia. It is heavily based on the R package {mice} by Stef van Buuren, Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn and collaborators.

Primary LanguageJuliaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


What is Mice.jl?

Mice.jl is a Julia package for multiple imputation using chained equations. It is heavily based on the R package mice by Stef van Buuren and Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn [1].

Mice.jl's syntax is very similar to that of mice and it is intended to be used in conjunction with Tables.jl-compatible tables, including DataFrames.


Mice.jl is not registered yet. To install the current pre-release version:

] add https://github.com/tom-metherell/Mice.jl.git#v0.1.0


using Pkg; Pkg.add(url = "https://github.com/tom-metherell/Mice.jl.git", rev = "v0.1.0")

Quick-start guide

Imputation (mice())

Use the mice() function to perform multiple imputation on a data table. The output is a multiply imputed dataset (Mids) object.


mice(data, m = 5, visitSequence = nothing, methods = nothing, predictorMatrix = nothing, iter = 10, progressReports = true, gcSchedule = 1.0, threads = true, ...)


data is the data table.

m is the number of imputations.

visitSequence is a vector of column names specifying the order in which the columns should be imputed. If nothing, the order is determined automatically. You can make a default visit sequence (which you can then edit) using the function makeMonotoneSequence(data)

methods is a vector of imputation methods. If nothing, the default methods are used. Currently, Mice.jl supports predictive mean matching (pmm) only. To skip a column, define the method for that column as an empty string (""). You can make a default methods vector (which you can then edit) using the function makeMethods(data)

predictorMatrix is a matrix of predictors for each column (with the predictors in the columns of the matrix). If nothing, all other columns are used for each column. To prevent one column from predicting another, ensure that value of the corresponding cell is set to 0. You can make a default predictor matrix (which you can then edit) using the function makePredictorMatrix(data)

iter is the number of iterations to perform.

progressReports is a boolean indicating whether to print progress reports.

gcSchedule determines how often the garbage collector is invoked (additionally to when it would be anyway). This can improve performance for large datasets. The value is the fraction of your machine's RAM that remains free at which the garbage collector will be invoked. The default is 1.0 (i.e. after every iteration of every variable), but this may be excessive for smaller jobs.

threads determines whether the imputations are executed in parallel using multithreading. The default is true, but this may make performance worse for small jobs (see Benchmarks). Note that unlike in R, random number generation is thread-safe by default in Julia.


using CSV, DataFrames, Mice, Random


df = CSV.read("my_data.csv", DataFrame);

imputedData = mice(df)

After imputation, you can use plot(mids, variableNumber) or plot(mids, variableName) to inspect the mean and variance trace plots.

Repeated analysis (with())

Use the with() function to perform data analysis functions on a Mids object. The output is a multiply imputed repeated analyses (Mira) object.


with(mids, function)

where mids is a Mids object.

function is a data analysis function. It should take the form data -> function(arguments, data, moreArguments...), where the placeholder data (which can take other names if necessary) signifies the position of the data argument in the function.


using CSV, DataFrames, GLM, Mice, Random


df = CSV.read("my_data.csv", DataFrame);

imputedData = mice(df);

analyses = with(imputedData, data -> glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), data, Poisson(), LogLink()))

Pooling coefficients (pool())

Use the pool() function to pool the parameter estimates from a Mira object. The output is a multiply imputed pooled outcomes (Mipo) object.



where mira is a Mira object.


using CSV, DataFrames, GLM, Mice, Random


df = CSV.read("my_data.csv", DataFrame);

imputedData = mice(df);

analyses = with(imputedData, data -> glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), data, Poisson(), LogLink()));

results = pool(analyses)

Further information

For more information about multiple imputation by chained equations, and how to solve common problems, see Flexible Imputation of Missing Data by Stef van Buuren [2].


I have (very much not rigorously) benchmarked Mice.jl using the test dataset [3], and also performed an equivalent benchmark of the R package mice.

System info: Single-threaded execution, Intel® Core™ i7-12700H 2.30GHz CPU, 32GB 4800MHz DDR5 RAM, running Windows 11 version 10.0.22621.

R: version 4.3.1 running mice version 3.16.0. Julia: version 1.9.2 running Mice.jl version 0.1.0.

Imputation (mice)

15 iterations were completed to impute 12 variables (of which 4 binary categorical, 1 other categorical and 7 numeric) using a set of 18 predictors (those 12 variables plus 6 complete variables: 1 binary categorical, 2 other categorical and 3 numeric). In Mice.jl, gcSchedule was set to 0.3.

Number of imputations R (mice) (s) Mice.jl (s)
1 1.88 30.39
5 8.84 33.40
10 18.14 36.37
20 38.42 43.52
50 96.78 61.88
100 199.33 93.74

Why is Mice.jl so slow for small jobs?

Julia is a compiled language. This means that the first time a function is run, it is compiled into machine code, which takes time. Therefore, the first iteration of mice() will be (much) slower in Julia than in R, for example. However, subsequent iterations will be much faster, as all of the required functions are already compiled.

Why is the first iteration so much slower than the rest?

See above.


This is a very early work in progress: there will be bugs. If you find any (or the performance is not what you expect), please report them in the Issues tab above.


[1] van Buuren S, Groothuis-Oudshoorn K. 2011. mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R. Journal of Statistical Software 45(3):1-67.

[2] van Buuren S (ed.). 2018. Flexible imputation of missing data. 2nd ed. New York: Chapman & Hall/CRC. 444 p. ISBN: 9780429492259.

[3] Dickson E, Grambsch P, Fleming T, Fisher L, Langworthy A. 1989. Prognosis in primary biliary cirrhosis: Model for decision making. Hepatology 10(1):1-7.