
Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


OpenSpeedMonitor automates web performance measurements based on WebPagetest. It also processes, aggregates and visualizes the results. So it perfectly fits the need for a continuous monitoring of your most important pages.

The timings you have to keep track of - always on expressive, well arranged dashboards. Without loosing all the details of the single WebPagetests if needed!

You want to see it running? No problem, there is a demo up and running at demo.openspeedmonitor.org.

OpenSpeedMonitor is published under Apache License 2.0, so feel free to use, adapt and do whatever you want with the code. If you extend functionality we would appreciate contributions. Technically, OpenSpeedMonitor is based on grails, a jvm based web framework leveraged by the programming language groovy.



  • Java runtime environment (JRE), version 7.

  • [optional, but recommended] Dedicated servlet container.

    Mainly tested with Apache Tomcat, version 7. Should run on most servlet containers. See full list of supported Java EE containers in grails documentation for further details.

  • [optional, but recommended] Relational data base managing system (DBMS).

    Tested with MySQL. Should run with Oracle out of the box. OpenSpeedMonitor uses regular expressions via rlike command in grails object relational mapper gorm. rlike is supported for MySQL and Oracle. Other DBMS supporting regular expressions in sql queries would necessitate slight modifications to run performant.

  • Operating system (OS) to run OpenSpeedMonitor can be any server OS for which JRE 7 and the servlet container and dbms of choice are available.

    Mainly tested on debian.

Installation OpenSpeedMonitor

As a grails application OpenSpeedMonitor is jvm and servlet API based. So its runtime environment is a servlet container. The deployment artefact of servlet API based web applications is a war file (web application archive).

The recommended way to install OpenSpeedMonitor is to create a war file through running grails war command.

From project root on Linux/MAC:

./grailsw war

or on Windows:

./grailsw.bat war

Created war file can be deployed to servlet container of choice. See grails documentation for details on grails war command.

Grails also provides possibility to run application in embedded tomcat container.

From project root on Linux/MAC:

./grailsw prod run-war

or on Windows:

./grailsw.bat prod run-war

See grails documentation for details on grails run-war command.


In the following explanations all references to gui elements of OpenSpeedMonitor are given in english, also gui is internationalized and comes with german as additional language.

Construct measurement environment

OpenSpeedMonitor is great for automation of web performance measurements as well as for processing, analyzing and visualizing the measurement results. But it doesn't provide anything for actually running the performance measurements. Therefore it is based on WebPagetest which does the measurement job. So to run OpenSpeedMonitor we assume you have installed and set up a private instance of WebPagetest. This instance should contain at least one wpt server with configured locations and measuring agent(s) behind the locations. An installation guide for private instances of WebPagetest can be found here.

OpenSpeedMonitor uses the RESTful API of WebPagetest for automation of performance measurements and getting the result's raw data. If you look at the system overview of webpagetest OpenSpeedMonitor uses Automation API to run scheduled tests and get back results from wpt server like other external tools.

First thing you have to do after installation is to configure the components of your private WebPagetest instance. All you need is a running WebPagetest server which is available via HTTP(S) from your OpenSpeedMonitor instance. After a log in you can reach the gui to create a new wpt server object via menu entry Go to >> WebPageTestServerController. You have to set correct Base Url of the wpt server in order to automate tests on that server. After creation of the server object you can use the Fetch locations button in order to get locations configured on that wpt server into OpenSpeedMonitor. That function uses [wpt server BaseUrl]/getLocations.php api function of wpt server to request its locations.

For the following environment components objects get created in database of OpenSpeedMonitor (if they don't already exist) while start of OpenSpeedMonitor:

  • Browsers
    • Internet Explorer
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
  • Connectivity Profiles
    • DSL 6.000 (6.000 mbit/s bandwidth down, 512 kbit/s bandwidth up, 50 ms additional RTT, 0 packet loss rate)
    • UMTS (384 kbit/s bandwidth down, 384 kbit/s bandwidth up, 140 ms additional RTT, 0 packet loss rate)
    • UMTS - HSDPA (3.600 kbit/s bandwidth down, 1.500 kbit/s bandwidth up, 40 ms additional RTT, 0 packet loss rate)

Additional objects like further browsers and/or connectivity profiles can be created via web gui of OpenSpeedMonitor after start.

Set up measurements

After wpt server(s), locations and browsers of your measurement environment are set up you can start to automate web performance measurements for your private WebPagetest instance. To run your first measurement automatically, you will need:

  • A wpt script

    Describes what the browser should do while test execution. That can be a sequence of different pages illustrating a whole use case of the web application under test. For each of the steps in the sequence a single result will be available after test execution. Single steps should be named via setEventName command.

    Scripts has to be written in WebPagetest DSL. See scripting documentation for details.

    Example measuring a single page:

      setEventName  Amazon_Homepage
      navigate    http://www.amazon.de

    Example surfing through an online shop to a product page:

      setEventName  Amazon_Homepage
      navigate    http://www.amazon.de
      setEventName    Amazon_search_DouglasAdams
      navigate    http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Douglas%20adams
      setEventName    amazon_product_DouglasAdams
      navigate    http://www.amazon.de/Per-Anhalter-durch-die-Galaxis/dp/3453146972/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1415398775&sr=8-1&keywords=Douglas+adams

    Measurements with more than one test step as described above require adapted version of wpt server and agent. This adaption is available as a pull request to official WebPagetest repository. If you have any further questions on that feel free to contact us

  • A measurement job

    Within a job you configure when to run the measurement and on which wpt location and browser to run it. Also you can set all the advanced settings you can set for an ad hoc measurement via web gui of wpt server (like internet connectivity, whether or not to create a video, whether or not to create a tcp dump of the measurement, et cetera).

Views for managing scripts and jobs are available in Measurement section of OpenSpeedMonitor gui. The list views can be filtered. Filters get persisted in local storage of your browser so you don't loose your settings while navigating through application.

Activate measurements

After each start of OpenSpeedMonitor application, measurements are disabled genarally. So even if you set up measurements as described in previous section none of your measurement jobs will start any measurements at all. You will have to activate measurements, initially (requires login with admin rights):

  • Navigate to OsmConfiguration (http://[your-app-base-url]/osmConfiguration/edit/1), turn measurement activation on and save configuration.
  • Alternatively you can navigate to OsmConfiguration via menu entry Go to >> OsmConfigurationController

Visualize results

Raw test result data

Trends in time of wpt results are available in Measurement results section. Measurement data to show in diagrams can be chosen by three categories which are located in three different areas within the gui:

  • Aggregation and timeframe

    One can select the timeframe to be shown. Averages per timeframe can be build if necessary.

  • Filter jobs

    One can filter the results of which jobs to show. Measurement jobs can be associated to groups. Webpage types (like homepage or product page of online shops) can be configured and associated to measured steps. Browser and/or location tests run on can be used as filter criteria.

  • Choose measured variables

    All the data WebPagetest provides on page level (first and repeated view) can be shown in diagrams of OpenSpeedMonitor. The measurands are categorized as follows for convenient selection and for association to different y-axes of diagram:

    • Load times
      • load time
      • time to first byte
      • start render time
      • doc complete time
      • dom time
      • fully loaded time
    • Count of requests
      • to doc complete
      • to fully loaded
    • Size of requests
      • until doc complete
      • until fully loaded
    • Percentages
      • customer satisfaction
    • Others
      • speed index

Customer satisfaction index (CSI)

Usually different pages of your application are of greatest interest regarding performance. To compare these different pages raw pageload times aren't always best measurand quantity. Your users may expect and accept different load times for different types of pages. For example, 2.8 secs may be acceptable for the basket of your online shop, while it may absolutely not be acceptable for the homepage.

To take that fact into account OpenSpeedMonitor can translate load times of every test result into a percentage of customers who would be satisfied with that load time. To use that feature you will have to collect necessary mapping data for the translation of load times into percentage of satisfaction. This mapping should be specific for every page of your application. OpenSpeedMonitor comes without this page type based mapping.

If you imported such mapping data, OpenSpeedMonitor provides possibility to calculate aggregated customer satisfaction indices for all the pages of your application and for the whole application altogether. Results factored in the calculation of the pages csi get weighted by browser and hour of day regarding their importance for your application. Results factored in the calculation of applications csi get weighted by pages regarding their importance for your application.


Grails framework implements convention over configuration pattern. So a lot of configuration settings are preset with sensible defaults and you won't have to touch them ever. Default configuration files are located in ./grails-app/conf/.

Configuration settings you have to change from defaults should be located in an external configuration file. A sample for such an external config file can be found in ./grails-app/config/OpenSpeedMonitor-config.groovy.sample. A copy of that file can be located in


Settings in that external config file will override defaults configured in ./grails-app/conf/ on startup.


Code of OpenSpeedMonitor is licensed under Apache License 2.0.


To contribute to the code base or develop your own features you should be familiar with grails. Groovy and Javascript skills would be an asset, too.

OpenSpeedMonitor is a monolithic web application. Respective grails plugin structure several external plugins are integrated. Before publishing under Apache License we developed the tool under version control in an own git server. So older history can't be found on github.

As IDE you can use Groovy/Grails Tool Suite from SpringSource, which is an eclipse bundle optimized for groovy and grails development. IntelliJIdea has excellent groovy/grails support within its ultimate edition.

Although it works with an H2 in memory database out of the box it's highly recommended to develop and test with a relational database server like MySQL.


  • Nils Kuhn
  • David Rieger
  • Matthias Zeimer
  • Rüdiger Heins
  • Florian Pavkovic
  • Wilhelm Stephan