
Bring Structure to your files and organize them into folders

Primary LanguageRust


Organize files with common names and group them into forlders


lets say you have the following Files in some folder:

file 1.txt  file 2.txt  file 3.txt

if you cd into this directory and call mover file a folder "file" will be created and all files starting with "file" will be placed there, while also removing that prefix from their respective names.

the result might look like this

> ls 
file 1.txt     
file 2.txt 
file 3.txt
> mover file
> tree
└── file
    ├── 1.txt
    ├── 2.txt
    └── 3.txt

1 directory, 3 files

there are some programming tasks left open


  • Proper Error Handling
  • Refactoring
  • Use better Argument parsing + zsh completions
  • Ability to choose other other starting point than "."
  • Make available using cargo install