
Scans channel messages for search patterns using Lua regex and does something when there's a match.

Currently only shows the matched message as a notifcation with the match highlighted.

## Interface: 11200
## Title: sjChatScan
## Author: SweedJesus (Miraculin on Nostalrius)
## Note: Scans channel messages for search patterns using Lua regex and does something when there's a match.
## X-Website:
## X-Category: Chat
## DefaultState: Enabled
## SavedVariables: sjChatScan_DB



  • Currently always case sensitive, but converts messages to lower case so patterns should use only lower case characters.
  • Lua Manual on patterns


  • heal matches: "heal" in "healer", "HEAL" in "HEALS"
  • lf%d*m matches: "lfg", "LF2M", "LF9M"

Command table

  • /sjcs: Show top level menu options.
  • /sjcs channels : Toggle channels to scan.
  • /sjcs patterns: Show pattern options.
  • /sjcs patterns list: List saved patterns.
  • /sjcs patterns add <pattern>: Add a pattern.
  • /sjcs patterns remove <index>: Remove a pattern via index.
  • /sjcs color [hex-code]: Set the highlight color.


  • Control the case [in]sensitivity
  • Exclusion patterns
  • Channel specific pattern lists
  • Integration with a fully-fledged chat addon like Prat or ChatMOD