
a bunch of "hello world" programs in different languages.

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License: Unlicense
a bunch of "hello world" programs in different languages.

building stuff

  • for ada, build using GNAT.
  • for assembly x86 use nasm.
  • for batchfile, just double-click it on windows or use wine if you're on linux.
  • for basic use brandy or bwbasic on linux.
  • for c, use gcc.
  • for c# use roslyn or mono compiler.
  • for c++ use g++.
  • for cobol use cobc.
  • for coffeescript use the built-in compiler
  • for c shell just double-click it on unix-based systems.
  • for cython use the built-in compiler to compile to gcc.
  • for dart use the built-in compiler
  • for eiffel use eiffelstudio.
  • for elixir use elixirc.
  • for epl use the built-in compiler.
  • for erlang use the erlang shell.
  • for emacs lisp run it in emacs(did you think i was going to say vim?)
  • for f# use visual studio.
  • for fortran use gfortran.
  • for go use go run.
  • for haxe use the built-in interpreter.
  • for haskell use ghci.
  • for html(ik its not a language, stop pestering me) open it in any browser.
  • for idris use the built-in compiler.
  • for java compile it using the built-in compiler.
  • for javascript use a supporting html file. you can use the index.html in the html/ folder for this.
  • for julia use the built-in REPL.
  • for kotlin use kotlinc to compile to a jar file or use kotlinc-native to compile to native.
  • for lisp compile it using clisp.
  • for lua use luac.
  • for ocaml it is mostly recommended to compile it using ocamlc, dune or obuild.
  • for perl use the perl interpeter
  • for powershell just double-click it on linux or windows.
  • for python run it using the python interpreter or IDLE, or build it using pyinstaller.
  • for ruby use YARV or MRI.
  • for rust use rustc.
  • for scala use scalac.
  • for shell just double-click it on any unix-based system.
  • for smalltalk use the smalltalk runtime, preferably open smalltalk.
  • for sql preferably use postgresql.
  • for standard ml use use.
  • for swift use the built-in compiler.
  • for tex run it in gnu texmacs.
  • for tl-basic use a basic compiler.
  • for typescript compile it to javascript using the built-in compiler.
  • for v use the built-in compiler to compile to C, then use llvm clang or gcc to compile to machine code from there.
  • for visual basic use the built-in compiler.
  • for webassembly run it in a web browser.
  • for yorick use the built-in compiler.
  • for zig use the built-in compiler.