
Bug 0, 1, 2 Algorithms

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

BUG Robot

Bug 0, 1, 2 Algorithms


Details About Project

Software Used

  • Fusion360 -> For designing the 3D Model of the robot.
  • fusion2urdf -> Fusion360 script to export urdf from fusion 360 directly.
  • ROS - Noetic
  • Gazebo
  • Rviz

Robot Drive Plugin Used - Differential Drive - Gazebo

Fusion360 Model

Fusion360 Model

Clone this repository inside your ROS Workspace:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone https://github.com/nilutpolkashyap/bug_robot.git
cd ~/catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash

Launch the simulation and visualization

Type the command in a terminal to launch the Bug Robot world simulation:

roslaunch bug_robot_description bug_world.launch
gazebo simulation

Run Bug 0 Algorithm

Type the command in a terminal to launch the Bug Robot world simulation:

roslaunch bug_robot_description bug_world.launch

Type the command in another terminal to launch Wall Following and Go-to-point nodes:

roslaunch bug_robot_algorithms bug0_pre.launch

Type the command in another terminal to run the Bug 0 algorithm:

rosrun bug_robot_algorithms bug0_algorithm.py
Bug 0 Algorithm

Run Bug 1 Algorithm

Type the command in a terminal to launch the Bug Robot world simulation:

roslaunch bug_robot_description bug_world.launch

Type the command in another terminal to launch Wall Following and Go-to-point nodes:

roslaunch bug_robot_algorithms bug1_pre.launch

Type the command in another terminal to run the Bug 1 algorithm:

rosrun bug_robot_algorithms bug1_algorithm.py
Bug 1 Algorithm

Run Bug 2 Algorithm

Type the command in a terminal to launch the Bug Robot world simulation:

roslaunch bug_robot_description bug_world.launch

Type the command in another terminal to launch Wall Following and Go-to-point nodes:

roslaunch bug_robot_algorithms bug2_pre.launch

Type the command in another terminal to run the Bug algorithm:

rosrun bug_robot_algorithms bug2_algorithm.py
Bug 2 Algorithm