
Official website for sleeping bags for the homeless silicon valley

Primary LanguageSCSS


This repository is syncronized with https://sleepingbagsforthehomelessofsiliconvalley.com/

Getting started, simple things

Directly edit the file index.html (and its references if needed)

Getting started, advanced instructions for theme editing

  • First, ensure that node.js & npm are both installed. If not, choose your OS and installation method from this page and follow the instructions.
  • Next, use your command line to enter your project directory.
  • This template comes with a ready-to-use package file called package-sample.json. You just need to rename it to package.json, then run npm install to install all of the dependencies into your project.

You're ready to go! Run any task by typing npm run task (where "task" is the name of the task in the "scripts" object). The most useful task for rapid development is watch. It will start a new server, open up a browser and watch for any SCSS or JS changes in the src directory; once it compiles those changes, the browser will automatically inject the changed file(s)!