Hosting Gateway CDK Amplify Testing Apps

This repo houses IaC using the CDK to deploy Amplify applications to multiple regions for testing. Cypress tests can be run locally to validate functionality of the applications deployed.


Located under /apps:

  • SSG / SSR - create-next-app (hgw-tests-cna)
  • SPA - create-react-app (hgw-tests-cra)
  • HTML / SSG - astro (hgw-tests-html)

Infrastructure as Code

Located under infra/hostingGatewayAppsCDK. CDK to deploy /apps to Amplify Hosting.

End-to-end Tests with Cypress

Located under /cypress. End to end tests to verify the applications deployed to Amplify Hosting work as expected.


NOTE: is configured with default regions of us-east-2 and ca-central-1. Update these to your preference.

  1. Define your AWS Account ID export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=<AWS_ACCOUNT-ID>
  2. Run ./ OR follow the steps in Manual setup

Manual setup

  1. Set default region for CDK export CDK_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-2
  2. Define the deployment regions for this stack export HGW_APP_REGIONS="$CDK_DEFAULT_REGION|ca-central-1" Regions separated by pipe (|) - This stack will be deployed to ALL regions defined
  3. Install CDK and pnpm npm install -g aws-cdk pnpm
  4. Install dependencies pnpm install
  5. Bootstrap regions where the stack will be deployed. Run the following command: cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS-ACCOUNT-ID>/<AWS-REGION>
  6. Copy apps.example.json to apps.json
  7. Copy infra/hostingGatewayAppsCDK/.env.example to .env


  1. Generate a Github Personal Access Token for use in the next step
  2. Update infra/hostingGatewayAppsCDK/.env with environment variables

Deploy Infrastructure

  1. Run pnpm run infra:deploy

Destroy Infrastructure

  1. Run pnpm run infra:destroy

NOTE: GitHub webhooks are not cleaned up after destroying. Navigate to to delete.