
Experimental data plane controller to copy data from a Kubernetes cluster to cloud object stores

Primary LanguageGo

S3 Copy Controller

S3CopyController is a data plane Kubernetes controller that allows data from custom Kubernetes objects or ConfigMaps to be saved to a cloud Object Store (for now, AWS S3 only).

The controller is built using KubeBuilder and is in an experimental state.


From Source

You should be able to use KubeBuilder's internal scripts to deploy directly against your Kubernetes cluster using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/nimakaviani/s3-copy-controller.git

cd s3-copy-controller

make deploy

Run the following command to verify the deployment

kubectl api-resources | grep objects

Output should look like below

NAME     SHORTNAMES                 APIGROUP                       NAMESPACED   KIND
objects s3.aws.dev.nimak.link       true Object

or you can alternatively run Kustomize build, and deploy resources:

kustomize build config/default | kube apply -f -


With the controller running on your cluster, you need to first provide AWS login credentials in the form of a secret to your cluster:

Step1: Create Base64 Encoded AWS Credentials

Create a text file with the actual AWS credentials



And run the following command from Mac command line

openssl base64 -in creds.txt -out base64-creds.txt

Copy the output as a string from base64-creds.txt and use it in Secret object under aws.creds

Step2: Create Secret Object

Create Secret object using kubectl apply with the following content

apiVersion: v1
  aws.creds: <Enter BASE64 Encoded AWS Credentials>
kind: Secret
  name: aws-account-creds
  namespace: default
type: Opaque

Step3: Deploy Sample Object

Create sample Object for S3 Copy using kubectl apply

With the secrets deployed, a sample Object resource looks like the following:

apiVersion: s3.aws.dev.nimak.link/v1alpha1
kind: Object
  name: sample
  namespace: default
  deletionPolicy: Delete # Delete / Retain are the options
    data: |
      something something
      and more ...
    region: us-west-2
    bucket: <Enter S3 Bucket Name>
    key: <S3 Prefix>/<filename>.txt
    source: Secret
      namespace: default
      name: aws-account-creds
      key: aws.creds

Submitting the following resource to your Kubernetes cluster should result in an object getting created under s3://<YourBucketName>/<S3 Prefix>/<filename>.txt, with its content coming from Spec.Source.Data in your sample Object above.


The development process follows general practices for KubeBuilder.

  • To generate CRDs and install them to the cluster, modify the source object and run:
make manifests && make install
  • To build the code:
make build && make run
  • To Run tests:
make tests