
An asynchronous markdown preview plugin for Neovim.

Primary LanguageRust


Build Status

vim-markdown-composer is a plugin that adds asynchronous markdown preview to Neovim.

This plugin should be considered alpha-quality software.


vim-markdown-composer requires Python 3, Rust, cargo, and Neovim.

vim-markdown-composer officially targets the latest version of stable Rust. If you'd like to install multiple versions of Rust on the same machine, check out multirust.

If you haven't already installed the Python 3 plugin host, install it with pip3 install neovim.

Unfortunately, since Neovim only supports Unixes, the plugin will only work on OS X and Linux at this time. However, Windows support should come for free once Neovim supports it.

The Python 3 dependency may be dropped once Rust has a usable msgpack-rpc library or Neovim has a Rust plugin host. Similarly, the plugin may gain support for vim in the future.


Use whatever plugin manager you like. If you aren't familiar with plugin managers, I recommend vim-plug.

Here's an an example of managing installation with vim-plug:

function! BuildComposer(info)
  if a:info.status != 'unchanged' || a:info.force
    !cargo build --release

Plug 'euclio/vim-markdown-composer', { 'do': function('BuildComposer') }

You should run cargo build --release in the plugin directory after installation.

Also, don't forget to :UpdateRemotePlugins after installing or updating!

If you use the above snippet, everything should be taken care of automatically.


:help markdown-composer, or check out the doc directory.


This plugin is inspired by suan's vim-instant-markdown.

This plugin was built with aurelius, a Rust library for live-updating markdown previews.