
Code for interfacing torcs1.3.7 with ROS

Primary LanguageC++

Repo for interfacing TORCS with ROS

This is a ROS implementation of the client and driver from the TORCS SCR C++ client. For the code in this repository to work you need a patched version of torcs1.3.7. This has only been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic



  • Run TORCS: torcs or torcs -noisy if you want noisy sensors (see the SCR-Manual for details)
  • Run the ROS components in this repository: roslaunch torcs_ros_bringup torcs_ros.launch. If you want to use your own driver instead of the simple driver in torcs_ros_drive_ctrl, run roslaunch torcs_ros_bringup torcs_ros.launch driver:=false (make sure you remap your topics correctly).

Description of individual packages


this package publishes the current game image received via shared memory. For this package to work you need opencv


this package holds custom message files for torcs, namely TORCSCtrl and TORCSSensors


this package holds config and launch files to start the whole ROS machinery


this is a ROS implementation of the original SRC C++ client. However, this client only publishes data received from the game and subscribes to ctrl messages. It does not generate driving commands itself.


this is a separated implementation of the SimpleDriver contained in the original SRC C++ client. It subscribes to the sensor messsage published by the torcs_ros_client, generates simple drive commands and publishes them as TORCSCtrl messages.