This terraform files have below parts
- make random password
- get database name
- make one mysql Docker continers
- Output IP address, continers image, Id and ...
Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool which is used originally for provisioning cloud instances on various cloud providers. With Terraform and the aid of the IaC, we can provision machines and cloud instances with codes and without direct human interactions. Terraform is responsible for provisioning systems, usually Immutable ones. for more information.
Install Terraform on your system
You can find installation guid in:
Clone this repo on your system
git clone
run this command:
- terraform init
- terraform plan
- terraform apply
Terraform Practice
- Name: Nima Tabatabaee
- Grops: Bladrina
- Practice Name: Ops-002-terraform-docker-demo
- @dwsclass dws-ops-002-terraform
Copyright 2022 Nima Tabatabaee