
web 3 smart contract ot send, receive frields request using soliditu #web3, #blockchain

Primary LanguageSolidity


web 3 smart contract ot send, receive frields request using soliditu #web3, #blockchain

Write a smart contract named Friends that allows users to send and accept friend requests. The following are rules this smart contract should adhere to.

  • A user cannot cannot send more than one friend request to the same address.
  • A user cannot send a friend request to a user that has sent them a friend request.
  • A user cannot send a friend request to a user they are already friends with.
  • A user cannot accept a friend request that doesn't exist or that they have already accepted.
  • A user cannot send a friend request to themselves.

Use advanced solidity features like modifiers and structs when implementing the functions defined below.

  • getFriendRequests(): returns address[] containing the addresses of users that have sent this user a request that they have yet to accept (i.e., don't return accepted requests).
  • getNumberOfFriends(): returns a uint value representing the number of friends the calling user has.
  • getFriends(): returns address[] containing the addresses of the calling users friends.
  • sendFriendRequest(address friend): sends a friend request to the provided address.
  • acceptFriendRequest(address friend): accepts a pending friend request.

Make sure all of the functions above are public and have the correct signature. You may add as many other functions, types, structs, enums etc. as you like.

Learned from algoexpert blockchain course