
Hosts the meeting notes for the beginning coder (Python-based) meetup for Women Who Code ATX

Primary LanguageCSS


This set of pages hosts the meeting notes for the beginning coder (Python-based) meetup for Women Who Code ATX.

Join our slack channels! Go to wwc-atx.slack.com to request access, or use this signup link. We are in #python-beginners.

Have a topic you want to hear about? Feel free to comment in #python-beginners. Here's a current list of potential topics.

Need to install Python? Check out our guide.



January 2018: (tentative) Virtual environments and how to use them or Using pip, easy_install, and packages (or attendees' choice!)
November 2017, December 2017: No meetup (holidays)
October 2017: (tentative) Hands-on Projects! Python Koans, a beginner's challenge (with guidance), or attendee choice


September 2017: No meetup
August 2017: What Is Python? A Random Walk (attendees' choice discussion)
July 2017: Variables (notes coming soon)
June 2017: What Is Python? A Random Walk (attendees' choice discussion)
May 2017: What Is Python? A Random Walk (attendees' choice discussion)
April 2017: What Is Python? A Random Walk (attendees' choice discussion)
March 2017: Cancelled due to SXSW
February 2017: Using Errors to Fix Your Code
January 2017: Objects and Object-Oriented Programming
November and December 2016: No class, holiday break
October 2016: Git and GitHub (notes coming soon)
September 2016: Variables (notes coming soon)