An AudioServer that takes audio from Asterisk via UDP and sends it to Google's Speech To Text Engine
- aayush-callai
- alexcr-telecom
- andrentfsAW Tecnologia
- andriusInternet Telephony Services — @ctiapps
- Bunoviske@UIoT @lara-unb
- carloscarcamoEl Salvador
- chengjunjian
- denysoniqueUnited Kingdom
- friedlysolFriendly Solutions Corp.
- gregnrSupabase
- HenrrikyHIT Comunnications
- imkhubaibrazaLahore
- jjsearleDMC
- leodev999
- marcelgoyaLinguSocial GmbH
- markanthony91
- maslennikov-yv
- MrLonely14
- muriloc4
- nrjchnd
- nshmyrevAlpha Cephei Inc
- oleoneto
- omerbitikciogluIstanbul/Turkey
- phntm7
- ronlockard
- Sascha0054
- sherpaDai
- syco
- talk114
- thrivikram52
- timo-klarshiftbabelforce GmbH
- yeya