
A template to create an API mock server

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

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API Mock Templates

Our optimized API mock templates to create API mock servers.

Getting Started


Node Version Docker Version Fly Version

Use the template

  1. Create a new repository for API Mock Server by pressing the Use this template button in this repository.
  2. Clone your repository.
  3. Configuration for fly.io and CD:
  • Run fly launch --dockerfile Dockerfile to create a new app on your fly.io account and answer these questions:

    Questions Answers
    Would you like to copy its configuration to the new app? Yes (y)
    Choose an app name Leaving blank (api-mock-server) or choose a new app name
    Would you like to set up a Postgresql database now? No (N)
    Would you like to set up an Upstash Redis database now? No (N)
    Create .dockerignore from 1 .gitignore files? No (N)
    Would you like to deploy now? No (N)
  • After launching a new app, to be able to deploy the application via GitHub Actions, developers need to create a Deploy Token for the project.

    • Go to application dashboard > Tokens > Create Deploy Token Go to application dashboard > Tokens > Create Deploy Token
    • Add the created Deploy Token as a secret to the repository with the key name: FLY_API_TOKEN.
  1. Configure for publishing wiki documentation:

    Add these secrets to the repository:

    • GH_EMAIL: The email address of the GitHub account that will be used to publish the wiki documentation.
    • GH_TOKEN: The personal access token of the GitHub account with repo scope enabled that will be used to publish the wiki documentation.


  • Install dependencies:

    make install-dependencies
  • Generate the OpenAPI specification (public/openapi.yml):

    make doc/generate
  • Start the dev server:

    make dev

The applications are reachable at:


Check more detail with the wiki page to understand the templates.


This project is Copyright (c) 2014 and onwards Nimble. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


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