
Our Stylelint shareable configuration

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Stylelint shareable config developed and maintained by nimble


The configurations are separated into dedicated packages:

Usage information is in the packages' documentation.

How to contribute

  • This project uses Lerna to manage packages. Install Lerna for accessing to the lerna CLI.

  • To contribute to the existing packages, simply navigate to the /packages folder and create a pull request to change them.

Add a new package

  • Use lerna create command to add a new package.

  • The package name should have the following format: @nimblehq/{package-name}. This project is shareable configurations for stylelint, the {package-name} should be stylelint-config-nimble-*:

  lerna create @nimblehq/stylelint-config-nimble-css-modules

Publish packages

  • Packages will be published to npmjs automatically after publishing a new release.

  • Need to set the version in /packages/**/package.json before creating the release.

  • More details in publish workflow. This workflow uses lerna publish command to publish packages.

Run commands

This project also uses workspaces feature.

To run a command:

  • Add the command to scripts part in package.json files.
  • Run the command with --workspaces/--workspace parameters:
  # Run `lint` on all workspaces:
  npm run lint --workspaces

  # Run `lint` on `@nimblehq/stylelint-config-nimble` workspace:
  npm run lint --workspace=@nimblehq/stylelint-config-nimble


This project is Copyright (c) 2022 and onwards Nimble. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.



This project is maintained and funded by Nimble.

We love open source and do our part in sharing our work with the community! See our other projects or hire our team to help build your product.