
Django sample app that uses celery to queue tweets for posting to twitter

Primary LanguagePython

Django Celery Example

Django sample app that uses celery to queue tweets for posting to twitter. https://django-celery-example.herokuapp.com

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Install system dependencies using a package manager. E.g. for OSX, using homebrew:

brew install python3 rabbitmq
brew install postgresql  # optional, will use sqlite if not available

Fork the project on github and git clone your fork, e.g.:

git clone https://github.com/<username>/django-celery-example.git

Create a virtualenv using Python 3 and install dependencies. I recommend using virtualenvwrapper to that python. NOTE! You must change 'path/to/python3' to be the actual path to python3 on your system.

mkvirtualenv django_celery_example --python=/path/to/python3
pip install -r requirements.txt

Set environment variables as desired. Recommended dev settings:


Optional environment variables, generally only required in production:


You can add the exporting of environment variables to the virtualenv activate script so they are always available.

Install postgresql if desired. If you don't use postgresql, the app will use sqlite. If you use postgresql, you need an additional environment variable:

export DATABASE_URL='postgres://<username>@'

Set up db:

createdb django_celery_example
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser  # Creates a superuser for the Admin, necessary to configure Facebook

Set up Twitter integration:

Create a Twitter application at https://apps.twitter.com/
python manage.py runserver
Log into the Django admin
Edit the Site to have the correct localhost url
Create a Social application with info from Twitter (Client id == Consumer Key, Secret key = Consumer Secret, select site)

Check code style:


Run celery:

celery -A django_celery_example worker -l info -B --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler  # Handles celery tasks

Run server:

python manage.py runserver

Or run using gunicorn:

gunicorn django_celery_example.wsgi

Note: If you want to add a beat task, you must do so in the Django admin.

Continuous Integration and Deployment

This project is already set up for deployment to Heroku.

Make a new Heroku app, and add the following addons:

Heroku Postgres
SendGrid  # optional, if you want to receive error emails

Ensure the worker process is running from the Heroku dashboard for your app -> Resources -> dynos