
Local Environment Setup Guides for Kibo


In the past, you have probably installed software either by downloading it from a website, or by installing it from an App Store of some kind. While that typically works for consumer software, developer tools tend to update more frequently, and require more careful control over the versions of software installed.

Do not download these software tools from the App Store or from a webpage. Instead, follow these instructions to install them using the command-line. While it is not as familiar (at least for now), it will give you more control over your programming environment, will allow you to manage your software versions more powerfully, and will ultimately make you much more efficient.

Setup Guides

Development Environment Setup Guides for Kibo

  1. First, complete the Windows Dev Environment Setup.
  2. Next, follow the Academic Software Setup Guide
  3. Finally, complete Git and Github Setup

Note: If you are using a MacOS computer (most are not), you will want to follow the Mac Dev Environment Setup for Step 1 instead.

[Optional] Tools and tips that are not required, but you might find useful:


Do I have to pay for anything?

No. All of these tools are available for free. If you are prompted to pay for any of these tools, you are probably installing the wrong tool.

What if I already have some of this software installed?

  • If you already have Scoop, Cmder, or VSCode, you don't need to install them again. Consider updating to the latest version.
  • If you already have Git or Python installed, but not through scoop, you should consider uninstalling the version you have, and reinstalling via scoop

What if something goes wrong?

Installing software can be confusing or frustrating. All the software installed here is easy to remove and should not interfere with any of the other software on your computer. Reach out to us if something goes wrong.

How do I get help?

Discord or Email or with questions or issues. Try to include as many details about the problem as you can, including what step you were trying to accomplish and what problem you are facing.