
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Solmate generates convenient and powerful python clients for any Solana program described by an anchor idl.


By embracing code generation, solmate clients are just code not complex, polymorphic library magic. This philosophy drives great UX and powerful features:

No Magic - See and read the generated client code to understand exactly what’s going on

IDE Completion - enjoy intelligent autocomplete, suggestions and type checking

Customizable - add your own methods directly to generated classes

Extensible - maybe your smart contract isn’t cookie-cutter, support your contract’s quirks outside of anchor norms by sub-classing Codegen


usage: solmate <...args...>

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --idl IDL             Path to idl file
  --addrs ADDRS [ADDRS ...]
  --root-dir ROOT_DIR   Path to output
  --module MODULE       Name of the python module
  --skip-types SKIP_TYPES [SKIP_TYPES ...]
                        Idl types to skip emitting code for
  --default-accounts DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS [DEFAULT_ACCOUNTS ...]
                        Dictionary of account name to public key which are used to 
                        enable default arguments. Must include program_id
  --instruction-tag {anchor,incremental}
                        Type of instruction tag to use. Use 'anchor' if 
                        generating from an anchor idl
  --account-tag {anchor,incremental}
                        Type of account tag to use. Use 'anchor' if 
                        generating from an anchor idl


Requires python >= 3.9

poetry install solmate


pip install solmate

Development Setup

If you want to contribute to Solmate, follow these steps to get set up:

  1. Install poetry
  2. Install dev dependencies:
poetry install
  1. Code your change and add tests
  2. Verify tests
poetry run pytest
  1. Open Pr!