
Pure JavaScript offline wallet for Nimiq Blockchain, with dead simple API to use

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nimiq Wallet

Pure JavaScript wallet for Nimiq Blockchain, with dead simple API to use


import NimiqWallet from 'nimiqscan-wallet'

const mnemonic = 'strategy enlist away hurt adjust firm antenna toss rocket away side rural'
const wallet = NimiqWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)

const address = wallet.getAddress() // NQ95 539J MQY1 QYES MVUE 6444 0C91 DK4F U0P6

const tx = wallet.generateTransaction({
  to: 'NQXX XXXX .... XXXX',
  value: 50000, // number in satoshis
  fee: 0, // number in satoshis
  height: 170619 // validate from the block, suggest to current block height + 1

const hex = tx.toHex() // Raw tx data, just sendRawTransaction
const txId = tx.hash() // Transaction ID