Helper methods for AWS Cognito User Pool.
In this repository I will explain the expected flow of a program that uses cognito, and will present two main helper methods - one to get or refresh cognito tokens, the other is to verify the id_token.
Before you start, you should create a Cognito User Pool, add an App Client to it, and configure a cognito domain. All of this can be done in the AWS Cognito console.
The flow assumes you are using Cognito Hosted UI, but this code can be useful for other cases too
Cognito config
First you should set the config in
cognito_config = {
# The region where your cognito is located
'region': 'us-west-2',
# Cognito (AWS console) > User pool > App integration > Domain name
'domain': 'COGNITO_DOMAIN',
# Cognito (AWS console) > User pool > General settings > App clients
'client_id': 'CLIENT_ID',
'client_secret': 'CLIENT_SECRET',
# Cognito (AWS console) > User pool > General settings > Pool Id
'user_pool_id': 'USER_POOL_ID',
# The URL you want to redirect to after authentication
'redirect_uri': 'https://YOUR_WEBSITE/login/',
User lands in your website for the first time. They are not authenticated. Redirect them to
- this is the Cognito Hosted UI. -
In the hosted UI, they successfully log in.
User is redirected to
, with request parametercode=11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
We get the cognito id_token, access_token & secret_token, by
.** The ID Token contains claims about the identity of the authenticated user such as name, email, and phone_number.
** The Access Token contains scopes and groups and is used to grant access to authorized resources.
** The Refresh Token contains the information necessary to obtain a new ID or access token.
** more info here:
Store these tokens for the user
After an hour, id_token and access_token are expired. Backed code can automatically refresh it by using
After 30 days, refresh token expires. The user should be redirected to the hosted UI and will have to log in again.
When the user is not logged in, redirect them to from config import cognito_login_url
# (Assuming you're using flask:)
return redirect(cognito_login_url, code=302)
Get and verify token by authorization code
from token_helper import get_cognito_tokens
from jwt_helper import decode_verify_jwt
code = '11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555'
id_token, access_token, refresh_token = get_cognito_tokens(code=code)
decoded_id_token = decode_verify_jwt(id_token)
contains info about this user like email, name etc.
The user_email = decoded_id_token['email']
Get and verify token by refresh token
id_token, access_token, refresh_token = get_cognito_tokens(refresh_token=refresh_token)
decoded_id_token = decode_verify_jwt(id_token)