The proposed authentication system combines traditional password-based authentication with an image pattern-based authentication to enhance security. Users must set a password and create a unique image pattern as their login credentials, divided into 16 grids. The image is not stored on the backend server and is deleted immediately after the authentication process is complete.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Change directory to riddler-frontend-2021
cd hash-generator
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Run in development server
npm run dev
- Build project
npm run build
- Run in production server (after completing build)
npm run start
- Text password
- Chosen image data
- Index of grids chosen
- The chosen image is compressed into a 100 px by 100 px size.
- The base 64 data of the compressed image is extracted. Eg: ……
- The base 64 text is hashed using SHA512 and stored as "image_hash."
- The “image_hash” is split into 16 equal elements.
- The elements corresponding to the index of grids chosen are concatenated.
- The above concatenated text is merged with the text password and hashed using SHA512.
- Output the final hash from step 6.
- Final hash