Interactive Visualization Support for Comparing and Analysis of Multi-class Classifier Problems in Machine Learning
By: Nina Mir Department: Computer Science | Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shahrukh Humayoun
more info about this project can be found in the included PDF file Classifier_Analyzer_Poster(v1.0).pdf
in this repo.
the project has two sides: server and frontend. to run this code, the user needs to execute each side of the project as follows:
- Clone the project
cd PATH/to/server
- install the dependencies
npm i
- then (assuming nodemon is already installed),
nodemon app.js
- in a different terminal window
cd PATH/to/frontend
- install the dependencies
npm i
- then,
npm run serve
the project should be viewable on localhost at the port number indicated via the frontend instructions
- this prototype does not allow the user to import data files
- this version of the project is loaded with the results of 9 synthetic models that are rendered when the server-side and the frontend-side are actively running