
Auto-generated UI for solidity source code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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contract ui

autogenerated interactive form for solidity smart contracts

generates a form to publish new contracts and interact with existing ones



How can I help?

  1. Open issues on things that are broken
  2. Fix open issues by sending PRs
  3. Add documentation


to use smart contract ui in your project

npm install smartcontract-app

require ('smartcontract-app')

see ./demo/demo.js or https://playproject-io.github.io/smartcontract-ui/

to run smart contract ui locally

# clone it

git clone https://github.com/playproject-io/smartcontract-ui.git
cd smartcontract-ui
npm install

# run it

npm start

# commit

npm run build
git add -A
git commit -m 'Some message'
git push

Turn Solidity code into an autogenerated contract UI. smartcontract-ui smartcontract-ui smartcontract-ui
