Personal project testing out implementation of network algorithms on the London Tube Map.
Testing candidate solutions in before commiting these to, which will have appropriate class/function structure.
- Imported tube map into a matrix
- Set-up dictionary for name references
- Function returning shortest journey in a graph
- TODO NEXT: Function returning shortest journey given fixed start station
The data used for this project is freely available here:
Using scipy sparse matrices (time/memory saver compared to multiple adjacency lists) to store a sparse adjacency matrix which represents the tubemap as an edge-weighted, non-directional, connected network. Stations are represented by numerical indices, and so a dictionary is used to hold the key/value pairs of station numerical index to name.
- Exploring implementation of Primms and Kruskal's algorithms to produce a minimum spanning tree (MST).
- This will involve implementing Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest path to minimise the journey between any two stations.
- Visiting all stations in opimum length of time. -- Implement candidate solution using MST, random descent, steepest descent, simulated annealing, tabu.