
The Quite OK Package Format

Primary LanguageC

QOP - The “Quite OK Package Format” for bare bones file packages

Single-file MIT licensed library for C/C++.

See qop.h for the documentation and format specification.

⚠️ This is just a draft. The format is subject to change and the library and conversion tool is missing error checks.

QOP is a like a minimal version of TAR-Archives. It only stores the actual file data, file path and hashes (of file paths) for quick lookup.

The header for QOP is stored at the end of the file. This makes it possible to concatenate a QOP archive to any other file and still being able to load it without scanning for a signature.

E.g. to attach a QOP archive to an executable:

cat game_binary game_assets.qop > game_with_assets

See example.c for how to open the archive attached to the executable, find a file and print its contents. The example can be compiled with and tested with:

make example && ./example_with_archive