
vim syntax for the Flow Based Programming domain-specific language.

Primary LanguageVimL


A vim syntax for the Flow Based Programming domain-specific language. FBP facilitates a syntactical expression of hypergraphs to describe interconnections between components in flow based programming environments.

vim-fbp is not tied to a specific flow based runtime environment, but it was inspired by the NoFlo FBP project:


  • Finish remaining highlight groups
  • Generalize color (currently hardcoded to my personal tastes)

Installation Instructions

  1. Install tpope's pathogen into ~/.vim/autoload/ and add the following line to your ~/.vimrc:

     call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()

    Be aware that it must be added before any filetype plugin indent on lines according to the install page:

    Note that you need to invoke the pathogen functions before invoking "filetype plugin indent on" if you want it to load ftdetect files. On Debian (and probably other distros), the system vimrc does this early on, so you actually need to "filetype off" before "filetype plugin indent on" to force reloading.

  1. Create, and change into, the ~/.vim/bundle/ directory:

     $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
     $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
  2. Make a clone of the vim-fbp repository:

     $ git clone git://github.com/ninegrid/vim-fbp.git
     $ ls

That's it. Pathogen should handle the rest. Opening a file with a .fbp extension will load everything.


  1. Change into the ~/.vim/bundle/vim-fbp/ directory:

     $ cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-fbp
  2. Pull in the latest changes:

     $ git pull

Everything will then be brought up to date.