
An example of using the ECDSA signature feature on IC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ECDSA Signing Demo

Sample Motoko and Rust code on how to use the upcoming threshold ECDSA signing features of the Internet Computer.

The API of the IC Management Canister specifies two functions, ecdsa_public_key and sign_with_ecdsa that can be called from a canister (not from a user). One must attach enough cycles with the call when using sign_with_ecdsa.

More specifically, the examples demonstrate:

  1. How to specify the key_id that is provided by default in a local dfx environment. You will need to change it if deploying to main net.
  2. How to specify a derivation_path when querying public key or making a signature. The example here is to use caller's principal, but any byte arrays will do.
  3. How to verify the result signature against the returned public key (in Javascript).

To run the demo, you will need a working installation of the DFINITY SDK version 0.11 or above, nodejs and also Rust toolchain such as rustup.

To run with Motoko only, please comment out the ecdsa_example_rust section in dfx.json before proceed.

The command below build and deploy all canisters including a frontend asset canister:

dfx deploy

If all is successful, you may point your browser to the asset canister's URL and see the frontend UI of this demo.
