Once a canister sets its only controller to a black hole, it becomes immutable and more!
- AlaanorSwitzerland
- alexeychirkov
- alexxuyangnbltrust
- bytesunWeb3
- cl0vrfi3ldThe Serious Company
- DanielThurau@heliuxerp
- davidp94
- defel
- elwynn-forest
- esnekoLatvia
- Franco-yvr
- hugolgst@dfinity
- indrajitsinhBhavnagar, India
- infu
- injetlee
- jeg-heter-benny
- jzxchiang1
- kinwoBrisbane, Queensland, Australia
- lastmjsDemergent Labs
- letmejustputthishereZürich
- lshoodigital nomad
- michaelshapkinKISMI.APP
- mourginakis
- NashAiomos@NeutronStarDAO ⭐
- neeboo@FireStack-Lab
- ragujpAdvanced Solution Leading Co.,Ltd
- RikusWiehahnZeltta
- scarecrow-ma
- screensailorEngland
- selfrule
- Takayuki-Suzuki
- tarek-eg@zalando
- tomkoomRemote
- valeryzSeeblock GmbH
- weedpatch2
- xiaohuangniuuchina